Pink Lolita Reaper skin

And these aren’t when they did contests right? Because in those respects, they technically own the art

No, they didn’t own the art.

Who knows, some day blizz may contact the person who designed pink lolita reaper and offer them some money in exchange to use their design as an in-game skin. The request to add it to the game is insane.
If not, a blizz concept artist can design a skin that resembles to the original design

Bump this thread for Reaper’s thighs


Only if we get schoolgirl Genji or Hanzo


Schoolgirl Genji please.

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Wasn’t the recent Sugar Plum fairy Mercy a fan-made skin put into the game? it is possible, people were asking for that one to be put in the game for so long so hope is there

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I believe getting killed by someone using this skin makes Teabgging look like quality sportsmanship :rofl:

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Well the Fan one is by far better than the real one.

That would be the most ideal option honestly. But I’m just looking at the most logical point.

Blizzard as a company can’t pick concept art Willy nilly to add because of copyright issues.

Now, they very easily could find the artists and pay a lump sum for the copyright of the design then they can do whatever they want with it. New Reaper skin? Sure. Reaper playing dress up? Sure. Reaper coming out as trans? Sure. Reaper just dressing in drag as his secret hobby when he’s not hunting former overwatch members? Why not?

But in the meantime, if they just adapt it without paying the artists, we get into a while lot of legal stickiness if the artists every want to come after them. And knowing cooperations, better safe than sorry

most of the time it is.


The forum has a weird side.:joy::joy:

I would play reaper and master him, with such a superior skin. Granted you would get people saying blizzard is making reaper transgender. Lol

But what about… all heroes get a pink skin?

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This. also needs to be in game.