Ping No Longer a part of Advanced Network Stats?

I just noticed that after the recent patch that the option to observe ping is no longer available and I’m not sure if this is a bug or if it was just relocated or renamed. If someone could help me out with this and explain what happened that would be great, thanks!

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It seems to be gone since the Brigitte update.
I tried looking for it, and unless I’m blind, it’s gone.

They added latency and removed ping.
No point on keeping both.


It’s basically the same thing ,isn’t it ?

Seems like a pointless change that simply made the option take more screen space

This should answer your question.


Ping was replaced with Latency.

And if your Latency is higher than what your ping was, thats normal. It should be 10-20 higher than what your ping was

For example, i sat around 40-45 ping. I now have 60-65 latency.


Thanks! That should clear things. However, I find it more obtrusive as it has the complete word “LATENCY”. “LAT” or something should do the trick.