*picks off-meta hero*

maybe take off meta hero’s out of comp every season so we don’t have this issue lol

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Completely agree, you shouldn’t give people any degree of power. They are a mob of idiots who complain and demand. They are disgusting people.

Blizzard do not care though, they do not care a damn about the individual player. They see this as a method for the “Community” to regulate itself without them lifting a finger because they’re a lazy and want the most cost effective way of dealing with the toxicity problem that is rife in this game. This is far more toxic a community than all the other games that came before it combined, LOL/DOTA/COD ain’t got nothing on the toxicity in this game and it’s ALL Blizzards fault.


It’s better than being suspended, no?

If tons of people are avoiding you then you’re obviously doing something wrong.


the community is built with kids and mostly kids that are annoying we can’t do anything about it but mute them. Blizzard only listens to “pro” and who make them more money then us sadly they are rich nt us

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If this were true, one-tricking off-meta heroes would be officially bannable. Blizzard has been very clear that they take the side of the individual, much to the annoyance of the rest of the community who wants to play as a team in a team based game.


And now that team has used 1 of their 2 ‘avoids’.

If many people are avoiding you, perhaps you are the problem?

Edit: Seems like being avoided is preferable to being banned.


There’s this one particular player who always insta-locks Torbjorn and throws that I constantly get in my games. This feature is going to be great for that.


Its an improvement from banning people out right, but it still has some unfortunate implications. This is going to make the stale meta problem even worse, as people will actively avoid anyone trying an off meta hero; people arent going to like it when every game will be dive vs dive or slow push vs slow push, depending on what the best comp is.

wasn’t there a player who climbed to GM by just playing Torb I am pretty sure torb can be useful and not always a “throw hero” there is a reason for 26 Hero’s in comp

“If tons of people are avoiding you then you’re obviously doing something wrong.”

So…playing Torb every once in awhile is wrong?

We’re not allowed to play Symmetra? Or Widow?

That’s wrong to do?

I’m intended to be a 24/7 heal bot, constantly filling for other people and I’m a wrong individual for playing my favorite hero, Torb from time to time?

Good to know


Trolls and toxic people will also be avoided.

No, this guy is like a deliberate thrower. Runs down main, puts down a turret and holds M1. Not to mention he’s a gutter mouth that abuses everyone.

He doesn’t work with the team, setting up his turret behind our barriers in key positions to hold an objective… but he doesn’t do it, he refuses to. When he uses Molten Core he runs around trying to hammer everyone to death.


Very few people will avoid you for playing Torb and Symm where they’re meant to be played. If you play them on Ilios and Dorado then yes I will avoid you and others will too because I don’t want to play with someone with no flexibility.

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With a limit of only 2. People with that kind of attitude will get no satisfaction from avoiding off meta heroes because they will want to do it every single match and they can’t so hopefully it helps open some people’s eyes

hahahah now i just imagined a midget running around in a nano boost trying to hammer down players hahahahahahahh

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So now the one-tricks are less likely to play with crybabies who tilt at the mere sight of a non-meta pick. I don’t see the problem, really. Everybody wins.

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that will happen, you will also be avoided by enemy team…“hey better not have that guy in our next match” avoid
you can’t really blame people if they don’t want to play with you.


If you pick a hero that no one else wants to play with, that’s your problem. Competitive is more than just being good mechanically, it’s compromise and team work with your team. Plus you won’t be getting enough avoids to not have a good wait time

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So people have a preference of teammates that you don’t agree with? People are entitled to different opinions. No one is preventing you from playing with them.

Honestly unless you’re in GM, the meta is pretty wide open. You can play most heroes to a good degree of success right now.

This doesn’t have the unfortunate implications of making the meta more stale. Being a 1-trick that refuses to switch doesn’t help anybody. The only thing that will actually help these characters is them being good picks.

Regardless, playing off-meta heroes is not the problem. I haven’t seen anyone complain about a god tier Doomfist/Reaper/Sombra/Mei DPS player because each of those heroes has different use scenarios.