*picks off-meta hero*

Entire team:






As has been proven with the report system auto-suspending one tricks, the original avoid feature being abused to no end, and the forum report flagging system being abused you just cant give players power to any degree without them abusing it.


more like

one tricks a hero that doesn’t help the team at all

refuses to cooperate

gets rightfully avoided by the entire team

Look if you are going to play competitive and can’t play anything but 1 of the 26 available heroes you’re setting yourself up for problems.

If everybody picks you as one of the only two players they can avoid having as a teammate, then the problem is you, not everyone else. This feature is so much harder to abuse than “avoid player” because both teams can’t use it and the restrictions are so tight.


I had this concern, too, but I thought about it and realized that I never get mad at off-meta players unless what they’re doing is clearly ineffective and they refused to adapt.


One tricks suddenly realize that people will no longer be forced to play with them. Tough times.


No one should be forced to play with people that make them upset.


Do any of you people realize not everyone who plays a off-meta hero is a one trick?

Check my stats. I play a little bit of everything, with a decent amount of torb. I’m not a one trick.

Yet, despite playing almost everything, when I go torb I’m getting told to kill myself before the round even starts.

When I see someone go Symmetra they’re being told off when they’re not even a one trick.

When I see a widowmaker people go absolutely ham, even when they’re not one tricks.

Someone goes bastion, who again, isn’t a one trick, people still go crazy because he’s off-meta.

It does not matter if you’re a one trick. If you so much as play a off-meta hero for a single round your queue time just increased slightly.


The whole “people hate off meta heroes” thing is baloney anyway.

If you’re a wizard at 5 different heroes that aren’t considered meta, nobody is gonna bat an eye.

If you insist on playing Symmetra on attack then you can’t be surprised people don’t want to play with you



Try the off meta hero, if it’s not working then swap, like the developers intended.

If you don’t swap off a hero that isn’t working then why shouldn’t your teammates not want to play with you again?

If your off meta pick is working then why would people want to avoid you?


exactly. imo blizzard shouldn’t be here to help out one tricks or people who aren’t flexible and use the games core mechanic.

stop people from beating down on one tricks, yeah, but if people don’t want to play with them that’s perfectly fine.

Do you play off-meta heroes?

If its working you still get yelled at.

That’s how its always been.

You can be a off-meta hero, do AMAZINGLY well but you still get blamed because “oh, you were just carried.”

And if you did your job its still your fault because people love a scapegoat to blame their own lack of skill on.


funny when I have been called a 1 tick Mercy when I can play Rein/sym/moira/lucio/zen/brigi/reaper/pharah/some what genji/hanzo/ junk/torb etc problem with me is I can’t aim so I try not to pick hero’s that require good aim but i do try my best

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If people want to avoid players for playing off meta they can “insert harsh words”. <3 Thankfully you can only avoid 2 people. I’ll never use the feature since I’m not thick headed enough to tell people how/what they should play.

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There is no way to abuse avoid teammate. It is made to avoid those you do not want to play with and it cannot be used for anything other than that.


sometimes it is better to “suggest” then demand and it is not about being a “thick headed” it is just about using common sense which “kids” don’t have lol huehue


Not really, I mostly play tanks and healers. I do, however, play WITH off meta picks. It has been my experience that people are generally willing to give the off meta player a chance.

Of course there are a lot of meta slaves, but if you’re getting avoided so much for your off meta picks then maybe the issue is your being ineffective on those heroes. Dunno, there’s millions of scenarios. I just don’t see this being a real issue of people who are willing to swap and expand their hero pools.

The only people that have legitimate reason to worry are one tricks. You only have two avoid slots, probably wont use them on the guy who tries to swap heroes around to help the team over the guy who is one tricking symmetra/torb.


Everything in this game made people upset.

But getting banned from being avoided? bye half of the Ow playerbase.

Avoiding players is not the same as reporting however. It doesn’t hurt the player other than possibly increasing their queue time. That’s also why there’s a two player limit.

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RIP Torb and Sym mains

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I always give off-meta heroes a chance. I won’t ask you to switch before the game starts, and I won’t flame anyone for it. But if you’re getting countered and won’t switch, or you’re generally not contributing to the team, then I have no sympathy for you. If you’re dead weight, people don’t want to play with you. I don’t see any problem with that.


The avoid player feature should help both parties though shouldn’t it? If i’m A 1 trick i’d rather not be put in teams where people will just complain at me , better to just avoid me all together rather than be reported. Plus people who don’t like 1 tricks can have better games without worrying about them.

All this will do to 1 tricks is increase their time to get into a game, but honestly that’s a situation they put themselves in and they just need to deal with it.