Philadelphia Fusion vs. London Spitfire - Final

I believe it increases the amount of tokens we can earn a day. At 6 hours a day it’s 18 this year. Last year, even if it was 3 Map 5s the most we could earn was 15 a day.

ooooo S :heart: E, that was nice jab at Fissure :smiley:

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F DansGame S S U R E

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I love that Soe (and Malik!) are on the desk now!

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Well as a reminder, Saturday and Sunday matches take place starts much eariler.

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thank god for that change!

Semmler looking sleek tonight!

For those wondering about Puckett saying “Love you babe, sorry about the car keys.”


will I get tokens for watching?

(see the first reply)

Cool, thank you for the info.

How did Puckett take an Uber to work?! I know he’s swole, but surely he’d get tired?

Extremely excited. Highkey hype.

I think we have a cross-culture misconception here… Uber is a ride share service (aka taxi app) common in the U.S.

I was making a joke about everyone’s favourite Aussie Motormouth :wink:

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ive been waiting months for these threads to return and tonight it finally happens. good luck to both teams!


163k watching on twitch… EASY!

Welcome back my friends, welcome back Overwatch League.


God I hope Fragi plays today, he somehow got hotter over the off-season

GRITTY!!! MY MAN! <3 the sole reason I’m a Flyers fan!