Philadelphia Fusion vs. Boston Uprising - FINAL

So this had the potential to be a close match after the first half, but Boston’s plan for the second half apparently is to throw as hard as possible. Good on Fusion for keeping their heads in the game.

At this rate, someone in Boston’s coaching staff needs to be handed their walking papers…cos this is NOT the Boston I remember from Stages 1 and 2…

Final Score


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That’s because it isn’t. The support line has been playing musical chairs and they need to settle on something.

The support line they had back in Stages 1 and 2 seemed to work somewhat decently…so why play musical chairs and tinker around with the lineup when it’s breaking more things than fixing (both literally (looking at you, Fusions) and figuratively)?

Hey, Wyoming, your scorelines for this match and the last match seem to be flip-flopping the winning and losing teams…

Other armchair analysts on the internet have 2 theories
A. Personnel Issues - maybe certain players (Kellex and Aimgod) were fighting or for some reason don’t want to play together. Alternatively, one or both may be having an attitude problem
B. Trade Plans - The supports are the only surviving members from Season 1. Their stock may have risen high enough to sell one. Given Boston’s business model, they 100% would if they think they can.

Yeah I will try to get that fixed. Been dealing with Verizon Wireless customer support (having a phone issue), writting a research paper of the 4 gospels of the Bible, watching Overwatch League and eating fried chicken all at the same time today…

Ouch, sorry to hear that…

Sending best wishes that you get everything sorted out soon…