Pharmercy is a major problem at this point

Pharmercy is that special type of thing we all love that is only really countered by a mirror comp. So great. We love it. More of that Blizz. /s

This is not true lol.

Quality post here. When I’m playing pharah I’m less worried about the Ashe, McCree, or soldier. Proper play around cover normally makes that a skill match up. The only thing that outright shuts me down is either a god mode widow or a dva (but then only if my team doesn’t support me). Pharah has a bunch of counters and the majority of the cast can interact with her. I’ve even had junkrats get value either assisting a dva with a dive or just los me as I’m getting zoned out by the oppositions hit scan.

I don’t think she’s as oppressive as people say.

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Honestly I agree. Started playing pharah a lot. You can get so much with literally zero skill by spamming at max range, dive bombing with her boop, and nanobarrage which kill through trans and everything else.

Pharah is one of the least picked heroes in gm. Monthly stats:

Pharah is picked slightly more when we look at all ranks. She’s still one of the least picked heroes though. Monthly stats, all ranks:


For context, Mccree is picked over 3x more than Pharah in both GM and in the average for all ranks. Her winrate is quite high, but her pickrate is low in comparison to most heroes.

Strange bro cuz even BRONZE SR there is nobody dominating on Pharah. Maybe we need a NEW Tier below Bronze for those whom cannot Contest Pharmercy?

You could be the Less than Bronze spokesperson. :fist:t2:

And mercy with other hitscan is high skill right?

not at all

almost all characters can counter Pharmercy


there fixed the title, you are welcome.

Mercy is imo not a problem at all at this time


IF they know HOW to Play those characters and are NOT just playing them to learn them.

Maybe that’s the Problem. People play Characters they don’t even know How to Play then they run to OF to complain about something being “Oppressive” due to lack of experience on those characters.


man are you a comedian or something? Coz you are really funny.

Mercy is NOT dominating Top 500 neither.
Just like Pharah. Neither one of them are.
There’s literally nothing for them to complain about.

Very odd that they ain’t mentioning Baptiste nor Tracer when those are the only two faces plastered all over Top 500 Leaderboards.

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as clarification

  1. I am not a comedian
  2. the post I made was (and is) serious, with no comedic effect intended
  3. almost all of the characters can indeed counter Pharmercy

It literally factually is but I guess it’s easy to ignore inconvenient stats like Pharah still being bottom half of DPS pickrates

I’m thinking of average players here, gold or plat. Storm Arrows and Icicles can certainly effectively threaten Pharah at a high enough skill level… but also, at higher skill levels, Pharah won’t play high-altitude bomber because her enemies would just use cover and avoid her, assuming they somehow managed to have a team that didn’t have Ana or Baptiste and they didn’t just delete her.

So there’s a little bit of a chicken-and-egg issue… at high skill levels, Pharah has to play near cover and with angles on people seeking cover, forcing her to a lower altitude, where the projectile players – who already have better aim anyway – are now in effective range, at least for Mei and for Storm Arrows.

Technically, any hero can fight Pharah… there are Junkrats that have mined themselves up into the sky to fight her, and Genjis that have double-jump-dashed up to her… but these tactics strongly assume you are better than everyone around you, otherwise Pharah’s team is going to take advantage of you exposing yourself that way and you’ll end up just trading, so it really only works for cracked one-tricks or players well below their proper rank.

The enemy team probably has Ana, Bap, or both, and likely a McCree or Ashe if not a Widow… even if they somehow have none of these, they can easily get them on their next return to spawn – or get an Echo-Mercy to answer very directly.

Switching to Pharah for one teamfight only to be forced to switch off is generally not going to be worthwhile … although the pros do it sometimes if they want to force a troublesome team to switch, or think they can get a first cap with Pharmercy.

Certainly indoor maps and low sky ceiling maps with lots of high ground allow basically any hero to go up to where Pharah is and interact with her to some extent… and for Symmetra, you don’t even need the high ground, you just need surfaces to stick your turrets to in high places.

On the other hand Pharah still has more flexible movement since she’s not just jumping to high ground but moving in all three dimensions… still, it’s certainly more even than being unreachable.

Also several such maps (Sanctum, 3rd point Kings Row, 3rd Point Blizzard World… probably more) have bottomless pits which Pharah can fly down into… and you’d be ill-advised to stand on the edge shooting down at her. So that adds more complications.

So sure, there are some KOTH maps and points on other maps where various cast members who can’t normally fight Pharah can now find a way to do so.

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Honest question.

Are you on console?

I only ask, because on PC, she’s not an issue at all.

Or maybe I should reword that.
On PC it’s only an issue for those that can’t (are not in an ideal roll…say Rein), won’t (complain about it, but never take steps to do anything themselves), or are just unable (play a character that can deal with it, but just don’t know how, or can’t do it effectively enough. Either because of their own skill deficiencies, or their team’s).

Personally, I feel for Phara, I see more of them getting shredded, than dominating. Heck, her ult is a 50/50 chance of a death sentence. I see really great ones too, and those can do some serious work. But that’s true of all the toons in the roster. From bottom to top.

Phara’s shots are so slow. If you pay attention you can literally watch them flying in and sidestep it. Don’t stand next to a wall. Don’t stand on a bridge. Don’t target fixate your ground target while she is flying over you. Those are my rules anyhow, which work just fine for me.

And as to Pharmercy. Shoot the Mercy. Hack the Mercy. Diva in the face the Mercy. Monkey the Mercy. Widow the Mercy. Ashe the Mercy. Joel the Mercy. Turret the Mercy.
Kill the Mercy.

Heck, just pressuring the Mercy will break the Pharmercy, and force her to GA away. Make Mercy play your game. Not the other way around.

BUT, if the team is just going to go junk or some such, or refuses to even aim up, then Pharmercy is just going to take advantage of it while they are allowed. But that’s no different than any other team pairing.

Personally, as someone who plays way too much Mercy, I don’t like pocketing Phara. There are too many capable Joels, Soldiers, Widows, Hanzos, Ashes, Bobs, turrets, just waiting to shoot me out of the sky.

This conversation is about Pharmercy. You have z-e-r-o stats on Pharmercy itself, so once again, quit repeating your fallacies and confirmation bias.

Love the rank - shaming. Just another confirmation that you’ve run out of arguments for good :rofl::man_facepalming:

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Compared to Pharmercy, of course.

It’s a lot easier to shoot an Ashe or McCree being pocketed than it is to shoot a Pharah since Pharah randomly moves up and down in addition to moving around horizontally.

The only way to consistently damage a Pharah is with hitscan, and considering the falloff changes that were recently added, it’s kind of hard to do much when there’s pocket heals, a free 2nd life, and damage boost added to the mix