Pharah shouldn't fly

“Just shoot her LUL” :laughing:
No, for real. She cant “hide” in the skies so any hitscan will do.
Aiming vertically is harder than horizontally but you can get used to. Flying is great but also limits your movement, you cant AD Crouch spam there so … take advantage of that.

Thats why we have junk, phara is a flying junk.

Obviously you are a 8 year old kid in bronze trying to play winston to counter a pharaoh. Just switch to Mcree or ash and have somewhat decent accuracy and you force pharaoh to switch. Especially in your skill rating.

Pharah is theoretically fine, but players’ reluctance to swap and counter her, as well as the game’s swap system, make her hard to deal with. There’s a reason she’s among the most struck hero in tournaments that allow bans.

Also, consider that in a hero draft format she would be borderline unplayable since she could get hard countered very easily.

but u r mercy main >:(

Ok if ground Pharah happens:

  • Remove self harm completely
  • Let her detonate rockets early since she no longer can aim downwards at people’s feet and most of her shots will probably shoot straight past people
  • New ult since barrage relies on ground splash for 90% of its damage

Its like saying dva shouldnt fly, mercy shouldnt fly, tracer shouldnt blink, winston shoudnt jump, zen shoudnt discord, etc. Whats been said on the below of this post.
And after all flying is one of the prahah abilitys just like other heroes has their own abilitys.

And no prahah is not hard to counter, play soldier/mccree/dva or anything.

Troll posts like this is why the devs wont do anything for the heroes…

This just in!

Water shouldn’t be wet…

Fire shouldn’t be hot!

And games shouldn’t take effort!

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Try Ashe main now :wink:

git heckin’ gud son.

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Mercy shouldn’t Rez.


Yeah 4Head.

One hand on the joysticks, the other in a bag of Doritos.

Aim up.

You almost had me for a second there.

Not this time.

this is bait
20 char

You’re a D.Va main, D.Va is a solid counter to Pharah. Use your flying ability to attack her.

But no, Pharah’s fine, actually she’s not, she needs help.

do you ever get tired of bait threads?