Pharah: please just give her 1 thing

Please give Pharah some kind of shield or bubble while she is casting Barrage.

With all the powercreep in the game, the fact that her ult is a still a death sentence is just ruining the value of even having an ult. Besides, Echo can’t die while casting it so Pharah should at least be as good at her own ult as another hero that copies her.

Just this ONE thing. Cmon Blizz…

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Or just give her a little bit of mobility while using it, or the ability to cancel it.

đ“‚€ Pharah ideas thread

Oh yeah, and what ever happened to that Crouch = FastFall buff?


Probably was too buggy so they pulled it.

I mean yeah, but it can’t be that difficult to debug can it?

from what i understand it was causing crashing, and considering they didnt experience that same problem before putting it on experimental it might be hard to replicate, if its hard to replicate they cant fix it too well, especially if it isnt very high priority

I mean it’s a really simple thing to code.
Makes sense to take it down if it’s causing crashing.
But a junior engineer should be able to recode it from scratch in an hour.

The healthy solution would just be for hitscans to receive another round of nerfs.

Top down balancing should mean the top heros should be getting nerfed repeatedly until we reach a kind of equilibrium but sadly blizzard plays favorites hard and the hitscans and Ana are all on blizzards special pedestal.

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i wonder if they should have never reworked her splash damage. that really killed her in the long run. they did this for console players which pharah there is a different beast but on pc where aiming is more fluid she gets wrecked

Isn’t Pharah kind of a problem on console? I’ve never played on console, but I think I heard that she and Torb are causing all kinds of balance issues due to the platforms being balanced the same despite very different dynamics, namely the advantage of a mouse.

Barrage is already a great ultimate, It does by FAR the highest dps in the game (I believe it’s somewhere around 1200 dps). It’s fine. Just don’t be dumb and use it in front of everyone, it’s more of a sneak attack ult.

Fuel recharge back, so she can stay in the air, like before.

Needs a Tracer-Style dash system that consumes 25% or 50% max fuel per use and is usable during Ultimate.

This would be correct.

Console making it harder to aim (to my knowledge, obviously some people have preferences like my preference for Gyro on Switch) makes Pharah notably more of a problem. For one, people are using lesser-skill heroes and aren’t always immediately on a hitscan, and for two less experienced hitscan players even still have a lot of trouble killing a Pharah (especially if that Pharah is experienced).

That being said, Torbjorn isn’t as much of a problem. Torbjorn and Junkrat are played considerably more (at least for me - I obviously play on Switch) since they take less aim.

In any case in terms of actually giving Pharah a small buff, that fast-fall experimental sounds really nice. If they can’t make that happen or Pharah still struggles to be viable, I think some kind of instant 50 or 100 shield health when using Barrage would be a pretty good option (giving Pharah any mobility or the ability to cancel Barrage would go against her and Barrage’s design, I think).

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I always thought of a hologram type of deal as a shield. When she uses ult her chest displays a giant hologram of a shield or barrier in front of her. Or even a small wall. Just something that’s low HP to give her something to stay alive.

She’s one of the only 2 flying heroes, so when she ults the enemy already knows where to be looking, and the cast time on it is crazy for being immobile. It’s not like Dead Eye where it can be used from behind a partial wall/object.

It makes sense. You have everything from ridiculously precise mice to high refresh monitors. I really feel like the game would be better if they just balanced them slightly differently. It kind of seems like they’re restraining each other in peculiar ways. Ironically, the early death of TF2 on consoles was probably beneficial in unrestraining the devs. Back then they probably couldn’t have turned TF2 into a proper hat simulator either with console hardware or at least it would’ve been difficult considering ingame store type deals were much rarer.

It’s been a while since I heard Torb was a problem so he might not be now. It was mostly the turret I think that was the culprit. Its perfect accuracy I guess was making him overperform compared to PC.

Pharah also causes an issue just because some healers can’t effectively heal her and some comps on the enemy team can’t effectively deal with her without switching to hitscan. I think that’s why they toned down her jetpack a touch. She causes a number of different very specific issues because of her verticality.

This is true. Shooting down a turret whilst on the move sometimes takes more effort than shooting down a moving target whilst moving in the same way they’re moving. At least, that’s what I’d guess - a majority of my aiming comes from Gyro and I have no clue how console players do it. I just figure people play low skill characters because they’re gonna play low skill characters when sticks are involved.

I agree with this as well. The Pharah changes seemed more for the sake of console than PC.

Healers being incapable to heal her would be solved if we had a hybrid GA setting on Mercy. GA to beam target is only useful when retreating and when attached to a Pharah, so I use the other option most of the time.

Since when do Blizzard ever cared about console folks?

I feel like the crouch buff thing was making her flight way too complicated. Nerfing hitscan isn’t even really it IMO, because even most Supports can kill Pharah if she is immobile.

I think a defensive ability that exists only to protect during the ult would make a reasonable difference without making her overly oppressive. Consider that there are still many ways to stop Barrage like CCs or shields. But killing her and putting the team at an immediate disadvantage shouldn’t be the way the ult gets canceled.

If her ult wasn’t suicide, Pharah would be able to use it more creatively and more importantly… more often. Too many times we have to hold it for JUST the right moment because many enemies have her covered off and know she’s readying it. This is in contrast to most other dps and even tanks/supports who are incentivized to use their ults as soon as possible to then resume charging it up again. So much ult gain is lost because Pharah has to sometimes sit on the ult to avoid being killed while using it. I just don’t see other heroes with this kind of penalty to using their ult, maybe close 2nd is Doomfist who uses it defensively often.

rank 1 eu is a pharah almost otp

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you can already get bubbled by another person on your team doing things like this just undercuts the teamwork needed in the game. and as for echo thats just an inherent strength she has seeing as how that can be said for any ult she copies.