Pharah: OP or balanced?

She is too powerful on console, its harder to aim on console and Pharah being an un-hitable instrument of death only makes it worse.

I don’t play on console, so I cant comment on how good or bad she is on console. But on PC, she’s decent in comp and really good in Quick Play. I rarely use her in Comp these days, because as soon as I pick her, the other team switches to Widow, and it becomes impossible to do anything when Widow just plucks you off.

what is ur rank???

Pharah, op or balanced?

Jam says, annoying😁

She is very annoying, but not enough to make her op.


In the 2000 - 2400 range.

I guess it depends what map you’re on. But most maps are difficult to play her because Widow just snipes you from 1000 meters away. Cant shoot her down from that distance because Pharah’s missiles are really easy to dodge from that range.

I think Pharah is just very misunderstood.

Contrary to popular belief the proper way to counter a Pharah doesn’t end at having a DPS swap to a hitscan hero. In fact, that’s the bare minimum you should run against a Pharah to put your teams on even ground, since Pharah can still reliably pressure most tanks, supports and every non hitscan DPS.


She is not op alone but with mercy…

She’ll always be op on console.
Projectile characters are easier to aim with on a joystick than a character you have to track with.
Countering her is harder for that reason.

she’s annoying.

20 char

Pharah will never be balanced. Her flight will always either seem too powerful or not powerful enough. Even more so on console.

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Pharah is okey

Pharahmercy is the most cancer.

Pharah on her own is not overpowered on console. Pharmercy is and that’s mostly because its only reliable counter is Widow.

Really? She is not even close to op…

Either perfectly balanced as a niche DPS or somewhat underpowered relative to meta DPS.


I can’t speak to console but on PC she is definitely not OP.

PC player here. A bit annoying to face on certain characters, but that’s the nature of her kit. Overall she’s balanced. She becomes a powerful meta pick with Mercy since they synergize extremely well. This triples the annoyance factor as well.

Depends on rank and what you play on man also whether or not she has a pocket healer.

Console. I hate having to switch from my favorite projectile heroes just to deal with pharah. She so op that it’s a must that you have to play hitscan to counter the pharah. When I’m playing hanzo and the other dps is junkrat, it works too well that they have to switch to pharah.

I dislike her just because…
But she’s not really cancerous once you get out of silver and from then on. You can tell who’s a good pharah and who isn’t from around 2.3k+ onwards.
Basically, I just hate having to switch to Soldier or McCree when I wanted to play another type of dps, but I understand that’s how the game works.

Phara is not op…is just the when she combo with mercy that is OP. which is something need to adress.