Pharah needs a nerf ASAP

Please read thread dates. There was absolutely no reason for you to necro a thread 9 months later.

shush, I can reply whenever I want

No, there’s a Code of Conduct and you violated it lmao

what code? theres no rules saying i can’t respond to old threads i previously responded too.

Unless i missed it somehow

You know what you’re right. The bronze players can get better and then see that Pharah is bad.

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“The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”). Users who are found to be bumping posts will be subject to forum account suspension and post removal.”

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wow that’s a stupid rule…

Necroing old threads is one thing but for something so irrelevant?

It’s a rule, and it’s there. And it’s actually a good rule because old threads become outdated, such as this one where Pharah’s balance has shifted since the original date of this thread.

Lol, 9-month necro and the OP is still just as wrong as it was then. So is the chap that necro’d it

i mean its relevant to me a bronze player since pharah is oppressive in bronze.

bruh this thread was here for only a few weeks i rememeber responding to it last week or so

The game isn’t balanced around bronze…

There are time stamps and you responded 9 months later.

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yeah but this thread was alive like a week ago lmao, i remember replying to this thread recently

Why can’t threads just be closed after some time?

idk? but so long as they aren’t I don’t see the big issue… replying to old threads are nothing big on the internet

Mercy? Sigma? Echo? that one McCree who somehow manages to get on high ground where no cowboy has bravely gone before?

Just because you posted in it a while ago doesnt excuse it

bro i don’t see the issue man, there are alot of worse things someone can do then reply to and old thread, like i replied today because i saw a reply i disagreed with and replied to it? nothing wrong with that

It’s not relevant to 80% of the playerbase who know how to aim… They don’t balance around Bronze. :rofl: