Pharah Movement Changes

I’d love it if she had smoother movement in-air similar to how easy it is to move as Echo or a Valkyrie Mercy. But seeing as her flight mechanics works differently, here’s how i’d change her mobility:

  • Jump Jet now has two charges that charge separately, but cover half the current distance
  • Jump Jet can be used horizontally as well as vertically. Horizontal by moving as you click the button, and vertically by entering a neutral non-moving state or by jumping off the ground right before activating it.
  • Can consume the rest of her fuel to boost back to the ground quickly when necessary by crouching in midair. Would deal minor impact damage to enemies, around 30, but put Fuel regen on a 1 second cooldown.
  • Can move slightly a-la McCree’s movement speed with DeadEye during her Rocket Barrage AND/OR end it early.

Of course, buffs/changes like these would probably be good enough to warrant some kind of Nerf to her kit in response, but seeing as how i have no suggestions for that, i won’t recommend any.


Let her quickly dive down and do some small AoE damage.

Similar to her highlight intro “touchdown”


Exactly, they could even have it do a fast version of the animation itself, leaving her vulnerable for a split second and unable to fire her weapon during that animation in order to give a trade off for the addition of that to her kit.


I’ll leave this here. That said, if they had console specific changes to Pharah, then they could probably buff her on PC.


Ive actually picked up phara lately and i thought of the idea of giving her a self regen passive (like mercy) and 250 hp

(No, not for consoles)

I feel like pharah is more like a “bomber” and should be more tanky while echo is more like a “fighter” more mobile

How about a passive regen, that only works after she’s grounded and full booster energy and hasn’t taken damage for a few seconds?

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Yeah that could work too

I never intended it to be used while in air anyways, in my workshop tests i mostly hid behind a wall to heal

I’ve always thought that a cool idea would be to allow her crouch button while flying to do short bursts in the direction relative to AWDS key input. And make the burst of action cost something like 20% of the rocket fuel so at most she could only do 2-3 movements while in air before running out.

This would incentivize quick movements and windows of attack before landing, but not making her impossible to hit constantly.

You could always just.make her boosters have higher acceleration so she can quickly change directions with her current design

Yup, faster “airborne walk speed” would be the easiest change.

That too but i was mostly refering to the time it takes to change directions

Because if you are going lets say left and try to turn right its gonna take it a sec to stop moving left to cancel the.momentum and then start.moving right

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Huh, wasnt aware there was momentum on airborne movement.

There kind of is? I dunno how to explain it

Try jumping from somewhere and then boosting up before falling then try just boosting up from the ground

You should notice a difference

You’re probably right, it’s just not something I’ve put much thought into.

But considering doomfist can bunnyhop a bit after a punch, and get carried by momentum, you’re probably right.

Yeah its just something i noticed after picking her up today for a swing

I’m fine with these buffs IF she doesn’t get to stay in the air permanently.
Make it like echo so a decent amount of the time she’s on the ground.

Well, I don’t think they are going to get to fundamental Pharah changes for a while. Maybe not anytime this year.

But if they did make a change this year, it would probably be “faster airborne walk speed”

Tbh I don’t care how they change her, as long as she doesn’t require a hitscan to counter.

I play a lot of close range heroes, and I think her design is extremely flawed. I literally cannot touch her, How is that fair on my part?

I get she’s bad and all, but honestly, what a horrible design she has.

I think the existence of a flying hero makes it so the game doesn’t just boil down to close range brawls.

Which allows for a much more diverse “playstyle ecosystem”.

I mean Pharah isn’t an issue on console. She still needs help there.