Pharah completely lost her identity

yeah a little less than an echo or mercy…hmm a flying character flying… what a crazy concept…

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Put it this way.

I designed a TRIBES 1 server mod with 40 servers running it, with 2 years of tournament play, across 20 teams.

That said, I’ve only got about 300 hours on Pharah.

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at that point, turn her into an AC-130 and have her shooting 105mm rounds
or make her like soldier (not in the air for most of the game) and have great horizontal mobility


Pharah feels a lot smoother than before with her movement

What you’re saying is her “identity” were pretty much concessions you had to make in order to be successful with such a dated kit. She needed snappier, more dynamic movement forever ago.


no sympathy for the pocket-dependent hero

Okay, so this rework is only popular with people who never played the hero. Just like bastion. Got it


Cool. Not sure what Tribes is, but sure. It’s not Overwatch, though.

I’m at 440 on my solo account, as OW2 reports it. If I started tallying I’m probably around ~700 hours in total of just Pharah between training accounts, duo, and trio. She’s my go-to. Sitting in GM+ since S3 of OW1 playing relatively casually compared to how some of those guys at the top of that ladder play.

I didn’t play post-rework pharah yet. It’s just so obvious how archaic her old flight was.

Way to go tarring people with the same brush. I have actually played her so I know exactly how she works. Nice try with the insinuations though.

Knew this would happen when the patch came out, all the people who are the fountain of all knowledge about ALL the hero’s telling everyone else “facts” lol.

The lack of patience being shown by people with this patch which has been out for such a short space of time, going by the threads, is absolutely unreal.


i played without apocket 75% of games i solo queue and quickplay noone wants to heal, but i know where and how to get to health packs i dont rely on mercy i have also 1vs pharahmercys and took them both out

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you can’t just dismiss them as having never played pharah just because their opinion doesn’t line up with yours

you’re definitely the one coping here


bastion did become more fun to play

i would much rather have more horizontal movement than just pop up in the air and crawl 10 metres in one direction

I’d agree she might be fine at high rating but at the place were 80% of the game is she’s bad


Spinfusor for the win.

its a old boomer shooter game with pharah lucio junkrat merged into one being, its a fun game.

There is a new one now in playtesting.

Current pharah i think needs a lot of playstyle adjustment, i cant judge whether its good or bad though as im not a pharah main.

That said there is no world she is coming out of top on soldier and soj going strong now.


Basically, it’s a class based shooter, where every character is Pharah. And the ground has no friction.


Im not his alt account just clarifying.

Truth. Soldier and Sojourn are insane. 9/10 of the matches I played had either one, 3/10 would have both.

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Man is upset for some reason… I never even mentioned if the changes for Pharah were good or bad. All I know now is that she doesn’t feel like a flying brick in the air anymore. Messing around with Jump Jet, Jet Dash, Hover Jet, and Concussive Blast is a lot of fun. Overall, the vertical fly time feels like it’s less but I prefer the new smoothness in movement. I mostly played low skill floor characters like Reaper, Junkrat, Pharah, and Bastion for many years now.