Pharah changes coming?

It was just to make her healing thrash as it is now, so people could pick other healers and to make PharMercy less good.

But the side-effect is that Ana is not far from being a must-pick like Mercy was.

Mercy = thrash healing
Moira = 0 utility
Lucio, Zen, Brig = not enough healing to be played without main healer

So we are stuck with playing Ana constantly, who is even more un-fun to play against than Mercy.

This is the true side-effect.

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How on earth do you consider Ana “un-fun” to play against?

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They’d have to triple the speed to remove the splash entirely. Otherwise having a 10 m range against anyone who’s actually paying attention makes half of Pharah’s kit a waste of effectiveness.


  • anti-heal
  • nanoboost i basically REZ
  • nanoboost is lethal in combination with DPS ults
  • sleep dart is a nightmare for tanks and not only for them
  • she has so many burst-healing that Mercy cannot offer at all
  • can also deal decent damage

very fun to play against


  • unfun rez
  • unkillable moth during valkyrie
  • 0 CC

Possibly, either way I think she lose most if not all the splash. There’s a reason I say it becomes a “skill pick”… for her benefit of flying, she needs some control…

Nope. Pharah was doing okay-ish to mediocre stat wise. Mercy was heading back to must-pick status. For reference Pharah would be picked around 1 to 2 times every 10 times Mercy was picked.

I like that :joy:
20 characters

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Why people are keep forgetting about situation on consoles. There were many complaints of Pharah being op on consoles.

Fact, she was doing okay on PC, but she is monster on console.


Well, this is kind of silly. So in other words, you want sort of healer moth that doesn’t do much else as a target… a healer that actually is impacting, well, we can’t have that now can we… forgive me, but I simply disregard anyone using the term “unfun” as that is purely relative… I find it “unfun” getting headshot by Widow, one shotted by Doomfist, or hooked and killed by Roadhog, but its because I died… that is their kit and that is fine.

So following your logic Mercy wasn’t unfun to play against at all.

Thanks, have a great day.

Following my logic “unfun” is purely relative and guess what, any one killing you with part of a kit is “unfun”… I mean, it’s your call on what you don’t like, I just don’t normally accept that as evidence of problems with a kit except in extreme cases like maybe, maybe Doomfist who employ so much CC… or hunter Brigs who don’t protect the backline and hunt because the kit is poorly tuned for the role.

People don’t realize how annoying a 450HP Burst heal is on a Winston. It’s soooooo annoying. Then he pushes Q.

i think they rework her flying… maybe give her strafe jumping.

so she will not be flying super high anymore…

That my friend is a beaufiful sight to behold… even as an enemy against it I am like WOW LOOK AT HIM GO!

Personally I believe they will give her shielding when she is ulting… too many times she is picked off during her ULT… the other possibility is she is no longer static when ULTing…

No. Not at all. More like this is the most obnoxious thing to play against. But it’s “fun.”

No, not at all what? No shielding?

EDIT: Oh, the Winston thing, LOL. I think they call this a “combo”…

“Fixed a bug that allowed Pharah to fly” :rofl:

i think she heavily lacks air mobility so unless the pharah plays defensively she is very easy to hit. so concussive blast cd to 8 sec. another cool ability would be double tapping hover jet makes her quickly sway to the direction you are holding but it uses a certain amount of fuel.

Im pretty sure its going to be a buff though.

Pharah is like right on the edge of balance, making it easier than it already is to shoot her isnt something theyre going to do.