Pharah cannot be played anymore

Hmm I am not so sure. I’ll have to take some time off of work tomorrow to read your whole post and contemplate on it to fully grasp its meaning though, so stay tuned when I add further thoughts and responses to your meaningful, thought out post

Apparently not. Her impact damage was changed in patch 1.29.

I agree that Pharah needs to be looked at but you’re wrong here bud.


Don’t forget Mei. I’ve been downing the bluebird on the reg since they nixed Mei’s falloff.

I know they changed internal numbers but the point of that post was she still does 120 for a direct hit, just as she always has since launch. Someone was implying or thought she did more than 120 after the rework to her kit

Not as much?
I think going for a chance of 2 shots kills with either 2 directs hits or 1 direct hit and 1 splash damage of 80, to still 2 directs hits or 3 shots is a pretty significant nerf

Just as when Ana was on 60dmg/shot, it was like a 4shots/kill and then they revert the 70dmg so she could 3 shots again

The way Pharah is played and how little she benefits from your teammates, force you to play passive and rely on splash and “lucky” spam on choke point, or to play very aggro and go for the 2 shots or get killed in the meantime.

Out of all the flankers she’s the one that has the less probability to survive, and all the other heroes aren’t that bad at deleting people.

It doesn’t matter if you can 2 shots a target, such as Mccree can or Ashe or Widow or even Hanzo if they dont go for the OS

I mean all the other heroes can actually dodge dmg, and survive, when for Pharah its pretty much like doomfist (even if he has better speed mobiility than her), it’s like a whole 100% commit and succeed, high risks low rewards…

She’s clearly lacking of defensive tools, and she’s no way near a lot of heroes in that category

And again she should never be considered as a fine pick ONCE AND ONLY she’s paired with Mercy.
She absolutely can’t play agressive without Mercy, and if you’re about to play her passively on the ground or way behind not even flanking, then go for Junkrat he’s doing a better job

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This forum is ruled by bronzes. Pharah will never get buffs.

you do realize that post was from November right

Uhh okay? they don’t but alright

I play a lot of Pharah and Widow. Honestly, a lot of Pharah players are dumb and are so predictable so much that even if I can’t one shot Pharah, I can easily 2-3 shot her to death. Just like when playing Widow, you have to be very careful with her positioning and not be so visible to make sure she’s not targeted by flankers and enemy Widow, you have to do the same with Pharah. I have at countless times bested Widow, Soldier, McCree, Ashe because often, they won’t see the first direct rocket hit coming and by the time they want to take action, it’s already too late. Good Pharah makes me want to switch off Widow.

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