Petra is too big

I have lost multible matches on Petra today just by this. I was sitting with 5 kills above 4th place but once I spawned away from the fight and I spent over a full minute not seeing a single person. Got the AFK warning aswell. I hate spawn can screw you over so badly in competitive DM


I don’t think the size is the problem, it’s actually fun to have a map where you can have drawn out 1v1s and everyone’s not that clumped up. It’s the stupid inactivity timer that’s the problem. I really wish that the game would stop punishing active players and ruining the fun of deathmatch.


Man, I wish anyone EVER went there. I never see anyone when I check. There seem to be no guaranteed focus points on this map either.

No its not its perfect o.o

Omg I thought I was just bad, THANKS FOR POSTING THIS (tbh i’m Pretty bad but still the map is massive)

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I feel the same here to, Petra is way too big and matching me with grandmaster golden gun widows, soldiers and mcrees aren’t helping

Not really one for posting on the forums but felt compelled to. Petra is way too big and too difficult for a large number of characters to navigate quickly. By the time I eventually manage to find out where a fight is and then get there everyone has died. I have also had inactivity warning purely because I haven’t been able to find anyone for so long.

I agree this is a great map for pharas and widows, where Guillard really wasn’t but at least there are many other heroes that do have an advantage. I won’t be playing competitive DM because I just cannot play this map, sadly.


agreed! it seems way too big compared to all the others as it takes an age sometimes to even find somebody. in terms of the map itself its lovely!

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Using ult just to break the floor is pretty fun imo.

No one fights outside, remember.

There is to much RNG with spawn on Petra. I have walked around the map for a full minute multible times without seeing anyone.


I won 1st place in DM on Petra with 17 kills, playing as Reaper, so I was doing ok…but I was also getting the AFK warning for what felt like a very short amount of time looking for someone :confused:

I just got first place on Petra with Rein and I got the warning, and then didn’t any experience.

Are you serious?? That’s messed up. You get first place so clearly you were doing something! I don’t get why they made it that way…I’d be mad. :confused:

I feel like I keep spawning right next to enemy’s

In Château was great because most of fights are on basement with the health pack.

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I wish I could tell you why and be more constructive. However, I just dont like Petra… at all lol

This keeps happening to me a lot as well. This is coming from someone who plays Brigitte mostly in deathmatch, but most of my time in games in petra end up getting spent running around trying to find someone to fight.

In the map I spend a lot of time indoors, as going into the open area is only inviting a quick kill from a widow/mcree/hanzo. However in games where a brawl begins out in the center I try to get in the midst of it as fast as possible but again, because it’s open area most everyone is dead from widow/mcree/hanzo sitting up on high ground so no reason to go out there.

It’s a little frustrating to run around only to find everyone is dying from snipers, and then I get an afk timer for not fighting. I can usually end up in the top 4, but even then I feel punished for not being a sniper. However, because of this snipers are crazy easy to sneak up on. Not many realize there’s jump pads up to their hidey holes, so it’s easy to sneak up on them since they think no one can get to them from that height.


I look at it a different. If you’re going to take FFA seriously as a competitive game-mode, there’ needs to be a variety of maps that demand different skills, so that flexing into map-advantaged heroes and swapping to counter what your enemies are bringing to the table are encouraged skills.

A FFA GM should be just as flexible and diverse in their hero pool as a normal competitive GM.

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I like the sentiment, especially about having a larger pool of maps to play on. However, I don’t think realistically that can happen. At least, I mean towards your flexing hero point. In standard competitive you need to be good at flexing in order to support the team dynamic as much as possible, while accounting for the opponents dynamic.

However, in deathmatch, you’re on your own. This means you need a hero that can not only deal damage but keep themselves alive. Widow/mccree/hanzo/soldier:76/mei/Roadhog/doomfist/brigitte/pharah all lend themselves to this dynamic, as they either have high damage and high mobility to keep themselves going in a fight or moderate damage and self healing to mend themselves during/after a fight. Because of this, your hero pool is only realistically limited to that list. There’s some outliers like lucio/sym/zen, however they rely highly on map knowledge and personal skill in order to be useful.

Otherwise that earlier list is really the only heroes you can pick, and each of them are theoretical counters to the others so not a lot of reason to design maps requiring specific skills. If they do, then they’re designing maps to force players to use certain characters. Then it’s less about having an adjustable hero pool and more about just using what the designers intended.

Better to just design the maps with areas that lend themselves to different characters, rather than design maps to force certain characters. Plus, there’s always going to be some sort of meta. If not, dive-comp wouldn’t exist.