Refunding League Skins for Tokens

The Overwatch All Star Weekend skins look great, which is kind of disappointing. I don’t have the money to spend on either of them but I did have enough League Tokens. Unfortunately, since I was unaware that I would be able to buy legendaries with them, I spent them. I’m sure plenty of other players are in my exact situation. We earned/purchased League Tokens and bought team skins, unaware of the future Legendaries that would be introduced. Also I was under the impression that once the Overwatch League was over, the Overwatch League tab would be removed along with my tokens, at least until the next season, causing me to rush into spending my tokens. I think you should implement a refund system to trade pre-purchased League skins back for tokens. Thank you for your time.

No, they should not. That’s always the danger of any estore.

I’d delete / rename the title if I were you.

Thanks for the advice.

I feel no sympathy, it’s like buying something to only have it go on sale the next day, meaning no refunds.

No, they should not.