Persistent High Latency Issue in Overwatch 2 (Europe Region)

Check which server you’re on when you’re in a game that’s lagging (ctrl + shift + N). Also try checking in general chat where everyone else in the game is from.

This seems like the same issue we’re having in Australia (AUS players being put on SEA servers). Pretty regularly people in Oceania will get placed in a Singapore server, where everyone in the game from somewhere that has a better server. I’ve had one game on the Sydney server, then almost the exact same people in the next game, but on a Singapore server. Everyone immediately notices it’s a Singapore server due to the lag and starts complaining. I’ve also even occasionally had people from Thailand in these games. I didn’t think a Singapore server would be too bad for them, but they were complaining about it too.

I can see it being technically possible a routing issue would cause this, but it’s a bit hard to believe such an issue is happening so often, and also not causing issues to people who are already in games on their normal servers.

Nicole’s replied about this a few times in that thread too. She’s a volunteer and I appreciate she’s trying to help while not being paid for it, but I don’t think it’s the routing issue she’s suggesting. It seems like it’s caused by trying to save money on server hosting costs.