People who use LFG

Firstly, please don’t respond “LFG sucks, everyone knows it.” This topic clearly isn’t for you if that would be your response…

To everyone who does use LFG to find 6stacks and get some solid games in: have you found it easier since role queue, harder, or in-between? Personally for me, I’ve found it harder to check stats and get solid games since everyone is playing different roles, but I feel like it’ll be fine once role queue has been around for long enough.

LFG has the same problem as solo queue: It groups you up with strangers.

you saw my post for QoL for the LFG and this is what an LFG is suppose to look like.

I used LFG a lot when it first came out. And I found out it yielded strangers, but it just took longer than auto queue lol

This is what my title would look like “~1950sr, must have 50 wins over the each of the last 3 seasons.”

I would check all profiles and make sure they had lots of games, to ensure their SR was fairly accurate. I always made sure everyone had mics. and did a final mic check before we queued.

I tried to go over general strats before we queued, but learned quickly people didn’t like this.

I tried to send friend requests and invite friends before entering LFG. I tried everything to form my own little guild in my friends list.

It was all for naught. If they gave us all the QoL I outlined in my post, I would never use match maker again.

The strategy was the toughest, people just don’t want to hear a 15 minute run down of all comps for all maps. You don’t know which map you get before you queue, umm… that means you gotta go through alllllll the strats lol

It always seems like the larger the group your in the harder the games are.

as far as win rate, I think I was close to 50/50 over about 100 games

it wasn’t the winning or loosing, it was the bizarre and uncanny experience of trying people to try their best before a proper introduction lol

I’ve waited 20 minutes plus to make a group and find a game, and I have in the thing that I will check stats. If you don’t want that, don’t join the group, duh.

yeah, I would not use LFG anymore, I don’t think people use it enough

I never checked stats, only made sure they had lots of recent Competitive play time, to ensure the SR was fairly accurate

If I were you, I’d go with very basic, “catch all” stat checking, to make forming the group and queuing fast.