People should be allowed to avoid private profiles en masse

I bet the OP is just lovely to play with and never bothers teammates with inane demands to switch.


NO. You absolutely would not talk to them politely like that. Youā€™ve exposed how much of an elitist you are. Youā€™d be rude, flame them, and block them because youā€™re a horrible person.


Well mentality effects play as well.
For example me:

I que.

I want to play rein or dps.
Theyā€™re all dps or the only tank I play really well and enjoy playing is taken (rein)

I have to heal. I dnt want to heal. I donā€™t personally like it.

But I want to ā€œwinā€ so I pick Ana. Iā€™m already not in the mood. So instead of being engaged with the game and team. Iā€™m fighting off this extreme feeling of boredom.

%20 WR ana. U can look up my stats.

This why role que is needed. Not lfg.

Um some people are actually proud of their profiles so nope

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Why do you need validation from strangers about your profile? If you are good, theyā€™ll see it in game. And if you arenā€™t, theyā€™ll notice that too. Profiles can be misleading and lead to some false conclusions.

Also, whatā€™s to be proud of or ashamed of? What hero you play shouldnā€™t be applauded or degraded. I main tanks. Itā€™s not like I deserve a medal for that or that makes me any better than someone who mains Torb.


PREACH!!! my fellow tank player.

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Cuz have the time they arenā€™t in vc or donā€™t have a mic

This needs to be implemented in LFG

Thereā€™s always text chat, but I do wish more people were in voice chat. It makes the game much better if everyone is communicating. At least as long as nobody is being toxic.

Being proud of something and requiring validation are two different things. I like my team being able to take quick peek and know what I can do. Heh one tricks tho Iā€™m sure want to keep profiles hidden

Iā€™m on console. Half the people have private profiles on console so you canā€™t message them outside of game either

At least show us who has private profiles before we click on them. It wastes so much time.

My profile isnā€™t private because I donā€™t care what you think about the characters I play but hereā€™s the thing: I donā€™t want to play Mercy. I shouldnā€™t have to play Mercy. Everyone complained that she was a must pick and in every game and now that sheā€™s not people are complaining when we donā€™t play her because sheā€™s garbage.

If I want to play other heroes I should be able to do that without people having an aneurysm over it.


Yep - this. Sometimes I am curious what rough skill level I am playing with our against, but at the end of the day, it doesnā€™t prove anything. A GM can have a bad day and play like a goldā€¦ or a bronze can have moments of greatnessā€¦ or someone is playing something new for the hell of itā€¦

Iā€™m sure one-tricks do. And people who have switched mains too. Iā€™m a D.Va main personally, but I play a lot of the other thanks. Iā€™m pretty competent on Rein, Orisa, or Zarya. Iā€™ve been learning Hammond, Iā€™m not there yet with him. I want to get better with Winston, but heā€™s never been my strongest tank.

Nothing to be ashamed about there. But I donā€™t want people snooping around. I prefer they ask me.

To be honest, I donā€™t think anyone has anything to be proud about in a profile that canā€™t be demonstrated in the game. I donā€™t care about what you have done in the past, I care about what you are doing right now.

I mean I just like it for information at a glance. I dont put alot of stock in it. But also a main with sombra. But I flex alot too

I think you might be underestimating what this would do to your queue times . I think something like 15% of people have public profiles.

Source that says %15 of player base has public profile?

Why shouldnā€™t I be allowed to shape my experience?

No source, thereā€™s a reason I threw that number out with as little conviction as possible. Its definitely a minority though.