People say Sym 3.0 Primary Fire is trash

This post is a freaking joke.

At first I was like “Oh some other person got one good play with the beam and is now convinced that all is well.” Then I see its… DEATHMATCH?

What you did with the beam in this clip could’ve been done better with your orbs, and for the love of God don’t compare this to an actual comp match.

I’m getting real tired of this. There’s a reason Stevo and Seagull et. al barely touch the beam. It’s objectively bad.

Zarya has a longer range beam and double the health of Sym yet her DPS starts at 95 while Sym’s starts at 60. How on earth the Devs could think that’s acceptable for a squishy DPS hero is well beyond me. 100 / 150 / 200 DPS should bring it in line.

All I saw was a bunch of people attacking each other and not you while you charged your beam. If they had looked at you instead, you would have been a smear.

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Why wouldn’t I do that with my turrets? I have them in my kit, that’s like saying Soldier should try to mow down enemies without his helix rockets. :thinking:

The beam isn’t garbage if you can charge it safely to max. Which is why in team modes you would need to either do so safely (say from high ground when no one is paying attention) or with team cooperation. If you have a Mercy boosting and healing you or a tank with shield support even better.

Except that I had a giant ult wall between me and most of the enemies so even if they wanted to hit me they couldn’t? Pay attention, there’s a reason nobody attacked me, they literally couldn’t. Not to mention if they got close, my turrets would slow them down, and they were being shielded too.

Well let me ask you something, have you ever tried running a comp as Sym where you’re getting boosted by a Mercy and shielded by a tank so that you could safely ramp up your primary? I’m willing to bet you haven’t.

How about you actually try running Sym in comp and use that beam and see where it gets you. Spoiler alert: it’s gonna suck.

“Hey guys I did some stupid crap in a deathmatch on a hero I barely play, she’s FINE. All the pros and high ranked streamers and legit Sym mains are wrong!”

I meant that your play style is passive where mine is towards flanking. That was my direction.

Not every Symmetra player is lucky to be high up there like Seagull, but that doesn’t change the fact of her status. Doesn’t Seagull play other heroes so I am assuming he doesn’t play her consistently without swapping.

You barely used your primary. Your turrets did the majority of the work and you had your shield up to allow you to charge it up.

BArring those circumstances, its useless.

Zarya, a tank that has 400 health starts at 95 dps. And she has a getaway option. Teleporters cast time being even more than Rez’s makes it unviable as an escape unless pre placed, at which point, you are probably going to use it as soon as you teleport through.

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Hey guys, I got a few kills using Molten Core Torb hammer in a Deathmatch where my enemies didn’t pay attention to me. He’s FINE.

I say try it without the turrets because they cannot realistically be relied upon. Throwing three of them into the fray like that works out sometimes, but if that Junkrat had half a brain, your turrets wouldn’t have killed him because he could one-shot all 3 instantly. Anyone with splash damage makes it nearly impossible to effectively TP turrets, and her turrets in general are easily mitigated in any capacity.

Expecting a team to play around you in the manner you’re describing is also something that only happens once in a blue moon. Even if it does, the main thing Sym needs is your own team exerting pressure, pressure being something very difficult to maintain while running Sym (and this is coming from a Sym main) because there are so many better options for shield pressure.

Pretty much everything you’re saying is how Sym 2.0 already played, except 2.0 would’ve likely hit level 3 faster and killed everyone more quickly. This ain’t new.

Doomfist can’t punch through shields? Crazy.

He was too busy punching Roadhog, who you charged on while he was doing it. Then he got frozen, and you killed him while he was frozen. Did you pay attention?

Get into any other situation where the enemy is actually paying attention to you instead, and you’re going to lose that fight, because every hero with a similar effective range as Symmetra’s primary fire is better in that effective range.

But I have. Unfortunately I don’t have mic to coordinate with team members but I have been able to charge my beam to max and combine it with turrets for damage. I did this on Junkertown from the rotating platforms while the enemies were engaged with my teammates, and then teleported turrets to flank while I wiped. I would have saved the play but the PS4 had maxed out on saves.

Also you didn’t answer my question. I bet that you didn’t try out a comp shielded by a tank and pocketing Mercy, and sure enough I got no answer. :smirk:

I also killed that other Doomfist, did you not notice there were TWO of them among those kills? He tried to kill me but got trapped on my turrets.

Look at my profile and my playtime and try again with a straight face to say “Hurr I bet you didn’t try this basic thing.”

I can confidently say I know how to play Sym more than you do.

Agreed. I’d go as far to say that Doomfist (especially after his unnecessary fix allowing him to punch through TP instead of getting blocked) is now a harder counter to her than Pharah.

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Still not answering! Yes or no, dude? I’m guessing no since you’re dancing around the question.

Okay, yes. And it still sucked. I don’t get your point. All of your response arguments to other people in this post have been trash.

Now answer my question: Do you really think that your video, in a deathmatch where the enemies barely paid attention to you, while you had ult and turrets up, is at ALL comparable to legit competitive play?

We’re also comparing console and PC here. Even though Sym still has to aim on console now, I’d imagine it’s still much easier to play her there than on PC. I never really worried about Widows when I played on console and now they’re just nightmarish.

Yeah right, after all that dancing around the question now I’m pretty incredulous, show me video proof.

As for whether it’s comparable to competitive play, surely not. The whole point of the video was to show how quickly Sym can decimate enemies JUST BY HERSELF. Obviously she needed support from her turrets and defense with her ult shield, but if these were provided by other team mates and isn’t confronted by her counters she should be able to achieve the same thing in comp, no different from any other characters. Just like Widow, she can wreck if she goes uncontested, but if her counters focus her she can be shut down, which is why she often needs support to sustain her dps.