People not knowing how to play what they role queued for is an issue

This is why when I first got the game 2 years ago I played mystery heroes a lot to get a feel for all the characters. I then shifted to supports and tanks and a few dps.

Yeah, that’s the way of the road, I guess.

They have the lvl 25? 20? gate now for comp on new profiles where you cant even play comp if you aren’t LVL 25.
If we’re going to have role queue, we should have time in role required for that section of comp as well. ‘X’ hours played in Tank/DPS/Support.

It’s the only way I can think that would make it so the player knows what they are doing to a point. We shouldn’t have 0 hour tanks queuing for Tank comp.

Is this not offset by the fact that the enemy team also frequently has inexperienced tanks ?

Well of course. This is the player pool we’re talking about, and a way to fix the entire system. Not just a single entity.

It’s only an offset if I’m talking about my experience with others. This is a player-wide issue.

Everyone needs to start somewhere. They should start in QP though. I think the gateway to comp should be that you have to do level 25 on every role before going to comp.

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If we’re talking in terms of new accounts being placed incorrectly, the problem is that the game does not account for QP MMR in comp. Every new account gets put initially in gold and then they work their way up or down from there. The problem with this method however is that a fresh new player might be bronze level, so he will have to lose all the way down. Or a smurf might be GM, and he has to wreck all the way up. QP MMR while not exactly the same as comp will definitely be more accurate than just placing everybody in Gold to start.

Reset their sr and they will learn other roles pretty fast.
if not, they will be thrown in elo where they belong at least.

I’ve had people queue in as a tank and openly admit that don’t play tanks but they were just doing it for the lootbox.

Alternatively I can play only off tank, but have to play tank to do placements. Having to play all three roles in order to get the same comp points at the end of the season isn’t great. Sorry everyone in those ten tank games. I usually only played dps or support before.

In QP, I don’t think it matters, so long as they’re trying. In comp, it shouldn’t matter anyway since the system now has separate role ranks, so a bad tank will be placed low.

Every dd ever.

Welcome to 2016 where some beta testers pointed out these issues.

There is no in-game defintion of what “Tank” “Offense” “Defense” or “Support” is, and Overwatch PC versions didn’t come with instruction manuals.

It keeps getting pointed out time and time again, but Overwatch needs tutorials on basic teamplay and some basic defintions. Not everyone plays MMOs and so they won’t know what a “tank” is and what their job is.

I understand where your coming from. It’s not fair for the people who are placed with these bad players, they will take a loss because of them more times than not.

With that being said, if they belong in that rank, they will be able to make up the loss of sr due to mmr recognizing their performance. Basically, they’ll be able to climb back relatively easy compared to the people who are tanking their games.