People not knowing how to play what they role queued for is an issue

Is it just me, or are more and more people playing roles they don’t know because of queue times?

I just ran into 2 games in a row where the person admitted they have no clue how to play any of the tank characters, but because of the long DPS queue time, they went tank. This was followed by them not knowing how to play tank at all and just holding W and M1, literally.

In the end we lost the fight because our main tank didn’t know what he was doing because he has never played tank.

Does anyone have any ideas on how this could be remedied WITHOUT implementing a time-on-class gate for role queue?

I think its that and its more obvious that players in all roles were often masked from their lack of understanding by being carried in teams where just enough people did know that they got by.

All three roles are simply more obvious now about when someone or worse the pair is not up to snuff. I had horrendous runs with tanks lately… I mean the Rein charging in problem or conversely backing up while holding a shield up is just bad tanking as an example. DPS who literally multiple times run Reaper/JR “cause dey kool” against… Pharmercy :roll_eyes:

As I understand it, the game keeps track of your skill level on a role-by-role basis. So if you have 1,000 hours on Pharah and you queue DPS, you’ll be up against a pretty good team, but if you have only 1 hour on Mercy and you queue healer you’ll end up playing against a bunch of noobs.

The fact that you ended up in a game with people who didn’t know their role very well probably indicates that you don’t know your role very well either.

It is a problem, but it’s also the only way they’re going to learn. If they’re playing horrible on the role they selected, their mmr will drop accordingly.

Lol this boils down to another point, countering, which is another conversation. But yeah, being able to recognize your counters also comes with time in class.
Building on that example, you ask the DPS to counter a pharah, or a doom, and they say “WELL WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO PLAY?” cause they, in the end, don’t know what actually counters.

Not being able to recognize the counters to other classes/charas comes with time.

Are we talking about Comp or QP here, OP?

Comp. QuickPlay is a non-issue, because that is the place you go to learn.

This is true, but if thats the case, what about the people that are suffering for their non-knowledge? Isn’t that what quickplay is for?

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Role queue kind of screwed me over, as I was mid plat before role queue when I only played tanks and supports. When role queue dropped, I placed high plat in both of them, and then did my damage placements. Oh boy was that rough. It put me in plat based on my other roles and I am not good at dps. I placed low plat and am still dropping, mid gold right now. Gold will probably be where I stay, as I am not doing too bad anymore, but I bet others are probably in a similar position

I’ve not had someone admit they don’t know how to play an entire role in Comp before. Gross. Hopefully they lose tank SR quickly and/or move over to QP instead.

Bonus points if the tank was playing Hammond.

im pretty decent at all 3 roles but some maps i just cant do certain roles i just go total potato mode dont know why. a map filter for quickplay like what tf2 has would be great

That would be fun, yeah. I have a feeling it would split the player base up more, not that it would be a huge issue.

it seems to work well for tf2 honestly the small map based communities get along well plus it would offer way more meaningful feedback on what maps people hate

However, the like/hate thing can be discussed on the forums. What they don’t get in this case is statistics. They track

  • what paths people take more
  • what chokes people get stuck at
  • player aim hotspots
  • position hotspots

and learn from these.

If we did water down the random selection of what maps are played, we would also water down the information blizzard gets on what makes these maps bad.

Do they not know… or do they just not care?

There’s a big difference between the two. If it’s the former, those people can always be educated. The latter however, is a matter of apathy and that apathy comes from a deeper issue with this game.

Read my initial post

It is not an issue because if they don’t know how to play it their SR will go down and will play with other people that don’t know how to play it.

Yes, but what about all the people that are in the higher ranks that lose SR because that player doesnt want to wait during this time, which is a long time to learn.

  1. That’s only a sample size of two
  2. There’s no guarantee that people are honest. After all, claiming that you have no idea how to play is generally met with more sympathy from teammates (people have to start somewhere with learning) than just saying that you don’t care. Sometimes it can also be both: they have no idea how to play, but they also don’t care. Then you’re sitting with a double problem.

This is true, but when their profile reflects their non-knowledge, and they have less than 2 hours on all tanks added up, then thats not the case?

Also this is a sample size of people who have admitted. There are MANY who do not flat admit it who are in the same boat.

Additionally, not caring comes hand in hand. If they cared about their performance, they would have learned before comp, or not queued that class in the first place.

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The same applies to all ranks. It takes time for the system to sort players to the correct rank. If you play like trash you drop rank until you are in the rank where your play is acceptable. It’s really as simple as that.