“People just need time to figure out Sym”

Yeah, I think you are taking this a bit far - I am familiar with the concept for decades now.

What I quoted is the most often requested set of features for Sym across the board. It would be OP as I pointed out, that is not a straw man argument no matter how much you would like to categorize it as so. I am not saying she can’t stand a tweak in some area, but no, it’s not a straw man in the least. You just think you know more than everyone on this topic but you simply don’t, you are applying this at times it is simply unwarranted. People interject related ideas in threads, that is in no shape or form “straw man”, it is merely a point ovf view within a greater context.

Question to OP: who are those “people, who need time to figure out Symmetra”? What kind of benefit she brings, that makes her worthy pick, and more importantly, makes people attempt to master her?

Where are those situations, where teammates say “wish we had Symmetra”?

Well I mean they are Symmetra players what do you expect?

Simply curious, where new Symmetra mains can come from, if she a) has bad reputation and b) her playstyle is rejected by many Symmetra 2.0 players, yet didn’t bring enough players to restore numbers, yet alone increase community of Symmetra mains.

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Almost never, because most people who don’t play Symmetra (or Mei, or Sombra, or Torbjorn) don’t recognize her contributions. That doesn’t stop a skilled Symmetra from carrying games. Utility just isn’t as simple or visible as “wish we had more damage” or “wish we had more healing.”

Symmetra continues to have a bad reputation mostly because of bad Symmetra players. The rework gave her a way, way more dynamic and challenging playstyle. A lot of Symmetra 2.0 players didn’t survive the transition, and for some reason they think that makes 3.0 automatically underpowered.

this is all sym main what wants to say to the blizzard dev . Since the rework becomes , playing sym is so struggle , i still keep playing her just because i love her . Pls dev , save her !! ! the unique queen ! !

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No, it was not. You purposefully exaggerated the demands to make them OP, and then refuted them. That’s why it was a strawman.


I can even call by name Ferret, which is one player that is the complete opposite to my arguments, but present good arguments regarding efficiency on Sym3, and did helped me recognize a lot of her good points. I no longer reply to him simply because we both know our arguments from heart, and we have a tendency to derail every thread where we clash.

Not your case. All you did on this thread was complain about we “crying for no reason”, dismiss the problems of disabled players that had on Symmetra an accessible hero, and the rest is this semantic discussion about strawman arguments.

Anyway, I think I went for too long on this argument. That was my last reply regarding your strawman argument.

This just in, community who knows almost nothing thinks they know everything and if devs don’t do what they say, devs are know it alls orchestrating their own downfall.

I.E. the meme beaten to death by almost every self important gaming community ever.

Honey they brought back spam the hammer and buffed reaper in the most pointless way possible making him a beast in lower and still next to useless in high ranks.

If that dont = headless chickens running round or toddlers in trench coats i dunno what does xD


Yeah, they have been doing it so well without feedback right?


I think you need to learn the difference between dedicated developers and cosmetics ones. This game doesn’t have dedicated developers for the fact their tweaks cycles are between 4-6 months at most on minimal heroes. Paladins a game similar to Overwatch push out patch notes faster than Overwatch and have more champions than Overwatch within the time span of 2016 and now. Remember they’re a indie company and their game is multi-platform just like Overwatch.

They aren’t highly popular like Overwatch, but they stay true to their source than experiment around like nerfing heroes because players don’t like to fight their counters on difficulty terms a.k.a Brigitte and others who have fallen victim to those complaints. Overwatch has no identity on what direction they want to go outside of OWL. Overwatch can be fun, but that fun is limited than it was 2016 or even the beginning of 2017 to summer time. I can say by the time Moira came into picture the game lost their touch completely.

I really feel like Symm’s real problem is that she has a ton of utility on the turrets and the teleport, which would be really hard to balance if coupled with too much damage.

Its a fundamental design flaw with her I think

I would argue this is already balanced by everything, litterally everything, in Symmetra’s kit requiring setup or charge time.

Her primary fire is the most obvious, but her secondary fire also needs a second to charge if you want full potential. Her turrets have both travel time and setup time afterwards. Her teleporter needs to set up before it is ready. Even her ult is not instantly activated on cast, which considering it is a literal wall intended to protect her team is a major handicap to any responsive play with it. Everything she does takes time in a game with a high pace.

To continue a bit of a tangent regarding the turret setup timer: Here is a simple buff Blizzard could implement for turrets. Make setup time overlap with travel time, so if the turret traveled for longer than the setup time, it sets up instantly. Symmetra cant just pop them down instantly in close quarters for help, but makes in fight long range throws far more efficient.

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I would certainly buff the time her ult takes to set up, I would even make it instant. Her turrets not so much,

the set-up time its already pretty low for an ability that gets value on its own, slowing and damaging the way it does.

As for her teleport, yeah, I think the setup time its a bit too long.

Excuse me, but people who spend hundreds of hours on a hero do not “know nothing.” They know the ins and outs of a hero to such a degree that they arguably know so much more about how to balance that hero than a balance team that has their attention split 29 different ways.

With Symmetra this is doubly true because of how low her pick rate is - we took the time to master her, and it’s rather unlikely people on the dev team play her like they would more popular heroes such as Mccree or the Shimadas (especially the latter considering how balance always shifts to their favor and they’re the golden boys.)


“If it isn’t what I would’ve done, it’s probably wrong, and if I don’t agree with it or it wasn’t for me it was wrong”.

Not very objective viewpoints to judge something on. But it’s about all we get around here. All the other replies are just stating that same thing, while casting their predictions or the effects as known facts.

I liked Sym 1.0 better but I still don’t agree with any of this mentality.

Most people are talking down to a team that accomplished something they never would and have more experience than they ever will to play a game which is a product of both of those. It’s great for tribalism but it is full of holes for anyone looking from the top down.

sym main here
shes better now.
aimlock was stupid

I had my F key unbound for 2 months. What is Symmetra?

As a Symmetra main since probably Season 3 I love both 2.x and 3.x both had their pros and cons don’t get me wrong and even now there are things I don’t like about Sym 3.x.
However, I don’t feel that she needed a second rework. She could have been fixed up with fine tuning and ability tweaks (i.e. if Sym 2.x was given the turret system of 3.x).

I do prefer Sym 2.0 regardless.

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Clearly better. Being picked a lot less