People in gold and silver, it's not you, it's the system

You obviously didn’t get my point.

It has nothing to do with its time in existence. If you play support or tank regularly you will have a higher sr in open queue because you won’t have as often of a situation where someone is just playing those roles to fill.

Even then it’s a different format as you acknowledged, some heroes and players do better without the structure and others do worse. Someone’s rank in role queue and open queue realistically should not be the same if they play both consistently, both because of the differences in format but also with the player pool that forms the bell curve being different.

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People in gold and silver, it’s not the system, it’s you.

Now continue as normal, spam report this response so we can all see how completely unready you all are for this truth.


the thing is as a plat you are used to your team being more aggressive, the system is not broken. everyone there is just garbage but you and me as plats are not good enough to carry in these games as we are not used to the limited amount of space made by tanks, limited healing or limited picks from our own teams dps so it would be better for our team if we were legitimate silvers who were used to playing with players of theirs skill. And as plats we have typically not yet mastered the art of adapting our gameplay each game after what our team is capable of supporting.

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your thread title is literally “People in gold and silver, it’s not you, it’s the system”… and you wonder why I would say I don’t think the players are in low ranks due to the system?!

Did you just forget your thread title? You’re trying to pitch that some how games against silvers are tougher than games vs plats. Even when by meh 3k a player can just straight dumpster entire teams of golds as pretty much any hero they want, never mind silvers.

maybe you can’t, but that really makes me question just how much impact you’re having or heroes you play in mid-plat. Being I’m punching and killing low gold bastions to death as Lucio. I once killed a double shield bastion bunker on Watch point, solo, as Zen twice in a row due to them doing a Mercy rez.

and I’m not anything special as a player… low ranks are just that bad, the same way I am to a GM player.


I no longer believe this.

I had a GM tank in my gold/plat game, who was just awful at support.

Checked profile: Solid playtime as a tank.

Solid playtime as support.

Difference? The guy was a bronze/silver support that barely eeked into gold.

Why? If the game was any indication, it’s because he was tilting his tank, flooding chat with calls that undercut the pace and flow of the rank, and frontlining as support.


You are feeling the effects of Match Making Rating, which is a covert handicapping system for competitive play. I’ve written more about it here:


I Disagree, as Bronze DPS and Mid Gold Healer…
Its the Time and Practice you can put into it.
I can only play 20-30 Matches a Week, that made me realize i can only improve “so much”… and its not enough.
I did not check profiles on previous posts so i go on a “theoretical” here …
If you dont have the time to improve, you will be a Bronze DPS and Mid Gold Healer and thats it.
No Time, No Motiviation & blaming every loss on your Team = No Improvement.


Almost every game I get gold elim, dmg, etc. Nothing pisses me off more than having a bunch of gold metals, cards, etc. and still frickin lose and lose SR. It makes no dam sense!

Then why did you say in another topic that you believe game will give you bad players and throwers and smurfs on enemy side when your winrate is high?

So you dont believe it after all? Because here you said that you climb easily.


I don’t think that this is the right conclusion here, even if OP and the discussion is going off rails.

It’s not about being able to climb / getting potatoes as teammates, but that the difficulty, as a whole, has dramatically increased, even in lower ranks. There are a few theories about that:

a) everybody has massively improved
b) better players got pushed out of higher ranks
c) smurfs and boosting

Probably all of it is true

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I play the game since the release. Difficulty probably went up slightly, but definitely not significantly. Not for anyone who is already playing the game.

For new players? Oh yes game is definitely harder for them with so much more knowledge they need now compared to old times.

This is my new alt and I climb as easy as I was several years back. I would even say that climbing now is more easy than it was in open q times.

what is your real rank, only for comparison?

Gold-low diamond (peak) . Depends on heroes I play and how hard I try. Usualy I am in platinum. Right now I main zarya and i am in gold, i will probably be in mid plat at the end of season because climbing takes time and I play a lot of support role currently too.

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Excellent point. Your data is pretty comparable to everyone who has been complaining and also keeping track of their records.

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I do pretty much the same but with different results. My games are usualy win loss win loss win win los win loss loss. Occasionaly streak.

Not with my data, I kept writing info about my games like 2+ years and didnt see any pattern like that there.

I have new account, this one. I keep doing the same thing, writing down the info, i will release it when I will have more data.

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I’ll take someones opinion whose in top 500 over someone whose in silver.

Why? People claim to have forced streaks mostly in low ranks. Not in top500.

This is my alt account. I understand that you dont believe someone lower than top500 but i am recording my games too so I can show it to you.

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Right, and your statement was literally “I just don’t accept the idea of players stuck in low ranks due to only the system or match making.” I said the system was busted. Nowhere did I say it was impossible to climb. In fact I said several times that people COULD still climb, but the system makes it inordinately difficult, and I went into detail explaining why. Which makes me believe you ONLY read the thread title? There’s no way you could’ve read the post and come away with the conclusion that it is “only the system” or that people “cannot climb.”

“It’s not you, it’s the system” cannot be construed to mean “You cannot climb in this system” because that’s too specific an interpretation of the post’s title, which takes issue with the system, but nowhere states that it is ONLY the system. I mean come on, do you think anyone would really make the argument that it’s not possible for any player in silver/gold to be the cause of their own inability to climb?

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Ok, lets say System is making climbing harder. My qustion to you is: WHY?

Why do you need a system to make climbing harder, why it should stop you from climbing faster? I dont think game doesnt need anything like that because you have player base which is making it hard. Other players are making it harder for you, better players than you. Bonus difficulty element in system is not needed.

If you are stuck in silver for example, you are stack because player with higher SR than you are generaly better than you. Thats why climbing is hard as you have to improve to be better than them, push yourself up and push someone below.

If you will make 3 ranks( 1-29, 31-59, 60-90) and take 90 players, someone will always be on top and someone on the bottom, you cannot have all players in 31-90 range. if someone want to climb, he has to be better than players above him. Additional difficulty element is not needed. OW ladder is just like that, only on bigger scale.


You can see yourself out if you’re going to be so bitterly wrong : )

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