People didn't read and just complained: so Foxes šŸ¦Š

violently starts reporting everybody


Again it would be up to System not you

Soā€¦ If the enemy team are hard focusing me?

Itā€™s clear this idea cannot work. Itā€™s time to stop.

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Ironically ā€œBad-armā€ is defending throwers

I find it funny

Iā€™m defending throwers now?
Perhaps I just donā€™t want an automated system forcing people to play how one individual sees fit.

If you want to encourage people to improve, offer better rewards, donā€™t offer harsher punishments.

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There is a saying about how the spoiled never improve.

But I canā€™t remember how it goes.

Rewarding people lootboxes with a mob mentality system, what could possibly go wrong?

every sniper has games where they hit nothing, every healer has games where theyā€™re more dead than alive and canā€™t heal

doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re toxic

most of the time it just means the team doesnā€™t play well


Guys I donā€™t have enough likes to like everyone speaking up about the nonsense.

I barely even have an input that hasnā€™t been said.

You want to main sym? Bounty. You want to play Torb? Bounty. Doomfist? Bounty. Youā€™re trying to regain some of your resources as Moira? Bounty.

Just insert a gif of Oprah going ā€œand YOU get a bounty, and YOU get a bountyā€¦!!!ā€


My gun is loaded, and my lasso is ready.

ā€œAre you bad at the game? But you want to improve?ā€
ā€œToo bad!! Now you canā€™t play just because some people donā€™t like that you arenā€™t a god at the game!ā€
ā€œAhehee! Good Luck!ā€

Even so, imagine how much less overbearing the system would be if you got lootboxes for playing a certain amount of matches above average? That could work.

Incidentally - i apologise if I came across too harsh and aggressive. Iā€™ve only just noticed how confrontational I sounded.

The only person who doesnt get it is you and its quite frankly shocking

And I moved on to something elseā€¦ Try your best not the read the comment above yours, post whatever you want

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This is really poorly thought out and doesnā€™t belong in a game like Overwatch.


Sup my fellow tank brother. Guess you got an idea for a top 10 list then XD

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Sounds like a bad idea here. People would consider that one player who is on a bounty as a horrible teammate to have and it just fuels any form of toxicity.
Would be a great idea for another game, but it just doesnā€™t sits well with overwatch if itā€™s excutued right.

That could be tactically abused too easily.
A better alternative, if you get a ā€œThank you for reporting!ā€ message, you get a Loot Box as well.

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This is why Rich C is a Dog, while I am more a cat