People are misunderstanding crossplay

Blizzard, IMO, hasn’t been very clear. So, let me break it down to hopefully add some clarity.

  • If you are a console player, you can opt out entirely from crossplay.
  • If you are a console player, you will not be grouped with PC players EVER unless you yourself group up with a PC player intentionally because you want to play with that specific person. This is the only way a console player gets into a PC lobby; otherwise, console players play with other console players.
  • If a console player groups with a PC player, they will lose aim assist and will be playing with the PC ruleset and playerbase.
  • PC Players will not ever be put into a console lobby. They will only be matched with a console player if that console player is grouped with a PC player.
  • Crossplay between PC/Console is fully disabled for Competitive.
  • Crossplay should benefit queue times, but only for console players.
  • There is no cross progression, only cross play. This makes me sad because I actually want cross progression more than cross play. Let my skins travel between platforms!

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.


So what you’re saying is… there’s no way I can avoid switch players as a console player unless I fully disable crossplay?

Correct. Console crossplay extends to all console platforms including the Switch.


so can other consoles play w/ eachother now?

That is correct. XBox, Playstation, and Switch get grouped in the same pool unless crossplay is disabled.

Now, this is a clear post. Thank you


Yep pretty much how it works. I rather have longer queue times then deal with an increase of bad DPS players in reg QP. Going to be fun with your dps = console players while theirs = pc on pharah. They really need to let PC players opt out

Yes. Crossplay is officially in beta.

So lobbies don’t really matter in the first place.

At the moment, might change soon.

But console/pc group can pop up in your non comp queue on PC

Yes, but only if they intentionally grouped together. You won’t get a solo console player in your games ever, only ones that are in premade groups with PC players.

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Yep and as a PC player you can’t opt out having such a group on your team

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In Competitive this is how it works yes, Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch are all grouped into the same pool, Competitive on PC remains the same as it usually is, PC only.

Quickplay/Arcade only have Crossplay if someone is grouped with a console player, if you are solo you get put into your respective pool, either PC or Console, Custom games have a option for PC players only.

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If CP was disabled, will the values for certain characters revert to what they were prior, or are we stuck with those values?

I personally don’t mind them, but was curious.

I remember the devs saying this but it doesn’t seem to actually be the case. I’ve been solo queuing on console and placed in PC lobbies. I have cross play enabled.

That might be a bug. The FAQ says that shouldn’t happen. You should report that as a bug since it’s in beta.

I think it’s intentional. I’m not sure why else we’d have the option to enable/disable cross play if we had to intentionally group with a PC player to get in a PC lobby in the first place.

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I think it depends on what you mean by values. There is no cross progression just cross play. The FAQ isn’t super clear on this. They don’t mention MMR specifically or your player boarder. But I think for the latter it is separate per platform even with CP enabled. I’m not sure about MMR. The closest I could find to answering your question was this.

No. While cross-play will allow you to group up with friends using other systems, no progress and collection content will carry over between sessions on different systems.

For SR, they said SR won’t be reset. I don’t know which SR you get if you have both X-Box and Playstation, but PC/Console are separate for Comp. For Top 500, this was their answer.

There will be separate leaderboards for PC players, cross-play enabled console players, and cross-play disabled console players.

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How would you know you are with PC players? It is all the same crossplay icon. Quite possible you are just with other console players goldlantern.

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