People already calling Reaper OP

Tracer is a fast 150 health hero that while blinking can not be healed. Recall just resets her health and placement to what it was 3 seconds ago.

Reaper is a 250 health hero that while in wraith is immune to all damage and CC for up to 3 seconds that can go anywhere at 150% move speed. While he can not be healed by teammates he can grab health packs.

Tracer’s movement with both blink and recall can be known, Reaper goes where he wants. I think this is what people are thinking.

I am in the camp this might be abit much, maybe if the move speed was also not increased aswell. As a Tank player, when i see Reaper go wraith i know i can shift my focus for 3 seconds atleast. But If i see him wratih i now know he gets a reload and i most likely will not have time to do the same if he can just leave Wraith form instantly.

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Reaper counters tanks my dude, deal with it.


In truth, I’m thinking they’ll added a 0.5 delay between existing Wraith and being able to fire.
otherwise, its pretty bulls#it for a character who can flat out one-shot anyone not Bastion and above to be able to be invulnerable until he can line up that headshot and then instantly fire.

It seems like an obvious thing they need to add.


Wouldn’t be pulsefire if he wasn’t complaining about characters that aren’t even top tier.

Funfact, Reaper and Tracer have the same DPS.


and making him better at it than he already is seems like overkill.

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It’s because Reaper’s damage potential is far higher than tracer’s.

Tracer is dangerous because she can potentially “one clip” targets. 240 potential damage in one second.

Reaper’s damage potential over one second isn’t 240. It’s 280, and unlike tracer he doesn’t have to spend the second following every volley reloading. Instead, he gets to shoot you for another three seconds at a similar 280 dps before he has to stop shooting to get out some new guns.

He’s far more potentially dangerous than Tracer if you give him high mobility and survivability, and that’s what people are worried about.


This helps more against squishy hero IMO than against tanks, but that’s just my personal opinion. It really only affects Hog and Rein due to the fact that he can evade their CC abilities cancel wraith form and continue to murder them.

People called Sombra OP when she was first released… it doesn’t really mean much.

I mean people complained that he was going to OP before his previous buffs… and then what happened? His pick-rate and win-rate were still abysmal LOL

Honestly I get less self heals these days, It’s great for sustaining yourself in a fight tho.

What ?
How does Reaper - with his 280 DPS and 4 seconds of sustained fire - have the same DPS as Tracer, with her 240 DPS and a reload after every burst ?

In the time it takes Reaper to empy his clip he deals 1,120 DPS in 4 seconds -
It would take Tracer 10 seconds to deal that much damage.

And Reaper can insta-reload now with his use of Wraith, so its 8 seconds of sustained fire.
The two are not even remotely comparable damage-wise.

Put ranged damage into account and Tracer is superior due to the fact that she doesn’t have huge spread like Reaper does.


that’s assuming they’re both hitting all their bullets. Tracer’s range and mobility are way better than Reaper’s and realistically he only manages to get a few shots in before getting killed.

Fair enough, 240 vs 280.

But considering Tracer can one-clip most non-tanks it’s a moot point.

Especially when you factor in that she has one of the strongest anti-tank ultimates in the game.

As i said, i think (so my opinion) this is a bit much, did he really need both the ability to move at 150% over the 125% move speed AND be able to cancel wraith?

I am all in favor of him getting his reload after death blossom, that makes 100% sense to me. on a side note i would like to see Hog get the same treatment after Whole Hog, but that is another topic.

I was just trying to answer your kind of question in the first post.

While tracer can blink around and recall, it is a predictable ability, with enough knowledge of the game you know where she will end after blink and if you can keep track know where she is going to be after recall.

Reaper on the other hand moves any direction he wants while being immune to damage and CC, gets a reload (Tracer does not), and can grab health packs while in Wraith. Also has 100 more HP than Tracer but around the same damage output per second but substance it longer.

I believe because of these reason people are upset at Reaper but ok with current Tracer. Even though alot of people do seem to want her nerfed, hmm. No one is ever happy :frowning:

As a tank/support player it will be annoying the first few days i see a Reaper wraith and turn my back thinking i have 3 seconds of him off of me. If he gets an almost instant CC + Damage immune reload is my bigger fear though. We will have to see. (I am more upset over the Zen nerf, he was my main after all, no one wants to see their mains nerfed.)

That’s because Reaper’s primary targets are suppose to be fat tank-sized targets, where the pellet spread is less of an issue.
Tracer primary preys on squishier targets.

Also, now Reaper can close the distance faster to a range where it doesn’t really matter how much spread he’s got - he can cram the shotguns into you’re butthole at that range.

He is supposed to do that. If you get close range with a reaper you are screwed. Like really screwed-

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That’s not a problem IMO, That’s a good thing Reaper struggled to close into his effective range before these changes.

You’re implying that they are the same thing. Tracers spread is a lot less forgiving than reapers, and she can actually deal damage from a bit longer range than Reaper can. It’s gonna be balanced out. If you get in close with a reaper you’re supposed to be screwed. :v

Its not JUST the potential 1-clip ability.
Remember, if Tracer doesn’t 1-clip a target, she’ll have to spend another seconds reloading - Reaper just has to keep holding down the trigger and if it takes a 3rd or 4th shot - by god, they’ll still be dead.

Its a different kind of fighting style - Tracer’s about hit and run, Reaper is hit and stomp.
This insta-out of wraith kinda leaves you with VERY little counterplay to him now.

they should, and probably will, give him a SLIGHT delay between coming out of wraith and being able to fire.
otherwise he’ll be pretty OP.