Penalized for Leaving in Arcade?

Heh. OP is not telling the whole truth.
Leaver penalty is pretty liberal. It is a certain percentage of games played vs games completed.
As in, if you tried out mirror DM or Gauntlet once and left because you didn’t like them, you really won’t be penalized.
OP needed to have left waaaay more games for the penalty to apply.
If you get close to the treshold, you get a warning. Big red notification. Leave more games despite the warning, and the XP penalty is applied until your games played vs completed is below the treshold.

So OP is a more habitual leaver that gives up when he can’t win. I don’t think he has any right to complain about being penalized for that mentality.

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I mean, you are the one with the problem, leaving games. There is a simple solution

My real problem was posting on the forums, and not being ready for the insults, sarcasm, finger-pointing, and accusations of lying. I don’t know why I didn’t anticipate this. Awful people always take an opportunity to be awful to others.

You do realize people are backfilling that spot you left right? You do know backfilling sucks right? If it was up to me you would get a 30min queue ban as well.

Some people only play the arcade modes as it’s (sometimes) less toxic than other modes. I play 95% of the games in Mystery Heroes and it’s rare to see at least one person leave because their team is about to lose.

So in short, if you queue for a match, STAY THE ENTIRE MATCH.

They aren’t backfilling, actually. The workshop modes are getting canceled if they get too many leavers. (I don’t know how many too many is offhand.)

That is what the OP thought was happening though, and probably what will happen once they fix it. (Even though, IMO, backfill into FFA modes is a pretty dumb idea to start with.)

The “workshop” games are custom games and people don’t get booted.

The gauntlet mode in arcade was already patched. There was a blue post on this yesterday.

Unfortunately its incredibly tedious when there are only 4 of you left…

wait, so you want to tell me you think it’s unfair that people target you, as you are trying to kill-steal?

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The horror, literally unplayable

Yes. I’m taking an unfair fight as enemies are trying to start unfair fights with one another.

you left and ruined the game for 7 other people, and youre really curious as to why you got a penalty?

I think they are too soft on leavers tbh.

Take a page from smites book and slap a 30 minute ban from all game modes on as a penalty every time someone leaves a game, guarantee people will stop leaving then.

It’s not a team mode, one person leaving doesn’t ruin anything. It actually makes it easier to win for whoever does stay.

Then maybe they should stop replacing the base FFA mode people actually want to play with FFA modes that force people to play with restrictive and/or RNG based rulesets that so many people hate they’d rather leave matches repeatedly than sit through the full dose of annoyance.

it also force shut downs games early depriving players of hard earned rewards, because youre salty.

They did, check the devs post, I think it was Keith who posted about it

As far as I’m concerned, you’re getting away with this quite easily. Had it been up to me, you would have had a 1 or 2-day ban.

Not even 20 minutes ago, I was in a Mei snowball game and my team and I managed to get the first two kills and the whole enemy team left at once.

As a result, the match bugged and some people from my team were booted out of the match for inactivity (since there were no enemies left to kill). I managed not to get kicked from the game because I did one kill (prior to the sore losers leaving the game) and didn’t have the inactivity timer before the round was over.

Because of those leavers, other people got punished, that’s what’s really unfair here. No one cares you got -75 XP for leaving 15 games, OP.

You brought this on yourself.

They stated they are adding a penalty here (second post down)

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Are you stupid??? Leaving an Arcade game cuz ur 3500sr team wants to que is not ruining it. You obviously are new to overwatch. Like he said QUICK AND COMP are legit reasons to get penalized. NOT ARCADE OR CUSTOM GAMES…

Your first and only post is insulting somebody in a 3 year old thread about a game mechanic you clearly knew nothing about, and you have the audacity to attempt to call out others for being new. Irony by any other name.

Are you a Mercy main because that was a hell of a resurrection. And for your very first post, too. Kudos to you!

I see the warning from time to time, never new what penalty was. I know for a fact i wouldn’t be trying that hard just to get my 15 games over faster, take the quick loses for the quick games.