PC Randomly restarts while playing overwatch only

When I am playing overwatch anywhere from 1 to 7 hours my PC will randomly shut off with no warning and usually restarts itself. I have checked for overheating and my system seems to be cool and stable. I have tried changing my surge protector to a known working extention cable and different wall outlets.

Why don’t you start by checking if this is a forced windows restart or hardware? For example check the windows system logs and see the descriptions like “recover from unexpected shutdown” or similar.

If it happens anywhere between one to seven hours, there’s a big chance the fact you are playing Overwatch at the time of the crash is just a coincidence. It’s highly unlikely Overwatch would be the cause of sudden system restarts, it’s most likely your hardware.

Do you get a blue screen of death upon the crash? Or does it just give you a black screen as it restarts immediately? If the former, it should give you an error code that can indicate what is wrong with your PC. If the latter, sudden restarts without error screens can be a big sign of a failing power supply. What are your specs? Have you changed your hardware recently? How about cleaning out the dust? Have you updated your gpu drivers recently?

it is Overwatch problem, I started to have it as well since updated video card drivers -_-
what I found is that problem was in game almost from the begining so people on reddit suggest to update PSU for more powerful one and check RAM

If it started happening because of drivers, it is not an Overwatch problem. It’d be a driver problem. Roll back to the previous drivers if this is the case.

However, just because it’s a driver problem for you, does not mean it is so for OP. They can still have PSU issues.

Many people have it and no, it’s not my driver problem. Some people solve this ‘shut down’ problem with reinstalling Windows. Just look at reddit since 2016.
Blizzard do know of this issue and made a topic (old forum) of possible solutions and I did said that he needs to look into his psu (that’s what I did and what fixed it) and ram.
But it’s wrong that only this game overload your software to the point it shut down OS.

I have the same problem guys…

Locking this thread due to it’s age. Feel free to post in the US forums if you need additional help.

K3nsh1n Overwatch can fully utilize modern GPUS pushing the settings higher increases that workload and if the power isn’t keeping up to the device your system may shut down. I do not see any reported occurrence errors or TDR errors making it to us from your device. This type of issue may be hard to track down as it can be due to a few sources: PSU, Motherboard, and GPU itself.

You may be able to test this differently by placing your settings to ultra but limiting your FPS(60) and enabling Vsync. This should also limit the GPU’s work load.

Thank you.