PC build bottleneck - solved

I’d like to buy 144hz monitor but I can’t keep stable FPS. I have experienced seemingly random fps drops from 200-180 to 100-80 even with all background aplications closed on low settings. Can you help me identify what’s bottlenecking the performance of my computer or what could be causing the issue?

My pc specs are:

CPU: Intel Core i5-7400
Motherboard: MSI B250 PC MATE - Intel B250
16 GB of DDR4 RAM

Thanks for help!

your CPU is not recommended for your GPU looking at the 1070’s spec card. the CPU itself is the bottleneck in my opinion.

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Question about your RAM cards. Do you have 1x16, 2x8 or maybe 4x4?


Looks like your CPU is the problem here :confused:

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Maybe things are running hot?

Try tweaking your graphics settings a little and you may be able to achieve a higher fps.

and also you can check out this thread

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P.S. If you have not tried, Taco, you can try running the game at Render Scale 75% with some of the settings turned off or to Med.

In my own experiments, Render Scale will affect the fps by a huge margin.

Meanwhile, as the web-link posted earlier mentions, you can consider a RAM upgrade first and see if it helps. If not, a better CPU would be required.


Test to see if its the card by reducing settings and see if that helps, if it does is the card. However probably the CPU. Go over your background applications again and solid single-user internet connection.

Oh the problems of playing video games on a PC… what a waste of money

inb4 some reddit lurker comes by and tells you that asking for this type of help isn’t allowed.

But, follow the advise of the people here. And stay clear of the lurker redditors. They are everywhere

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I don’t actually see much wrong with your hardware.

It’s likely to be a software setup issue, which is a nuisance because they’re almost impossible to diagnose remotely.

It’s likely to be either an issue with your drivers, game, or your windows setup, but impossible to say what.

Nuclear option is a full, clean reinstall.

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If this is a reference to the limits of console play under which you have very little control over what happens, and the crappy graphic cheats that make the game appear stable, the PC is without question what the serious players use for multiple reasons. All a console really is, is an old PC in reality with limited graphics. Just saying, let’s keep things in proper perspective on why people spend more and sometimes deal with a few issues.

Are these drops just momentary, or do they last longer?

I’m asking because I used to have the issue of my fps dropping to 10-20 for couple seconds and initially I figured I was putting too much stress on the machine and possibly overheating it. So I lowered the settings and capped the fps at 150. It seemed to be okay and then the issue presented itself again the last time I played, and now I’m looking into other possible solutions. Your thread seems to have the potential to provide such solutions, if my issue is actually similar to yours.

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That sort of bottlenecking on low settings is purely cpu. Random fps drops are from thermal throttling of your cpu, especially after prolonged periods. Fps drops during teamfights etc. are from your cpu reaching its single thread limits.

First port of call is to check your temperatures around when you notice frame drops. If it is, clean your fans and the like. If your temperatures are fine, then it’s likely your cpu speed.

Just additional things I’ve noticed from running overwatch on 2 desktops and 1 laptop. Ram speed seems to help minimum frames, if you’re thinking of a new pc build.

Overheating causes sudden frame drops.

CPU speed helps a lot, gpu not as much if you’ve already got a 1070. This is unless you’re trying to push 300fps.

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You mean the problem when the game has performance issues on a PC it still manages to look and play much better than the LOLbox version?

Or the problem of not having to pay a yearly ransom note to Lord Microsoft for the privilege of playing online?

How about the problem of being able to play a library of games dating back 30 years or more?

Or the problem of not being limited to such an archaic input method?