Paying 40€ for the watchpoint pack, to be screwed now?

So, as far as I remember, the sales-pitch of the 40€ watchpoint pack was “get these super awesome coop missions and hero-focused missions” - only for those to be delayed, and now… they cost 15€? really blizzard?

Is NOTHING sacred anymore?

But in all honesty, apart from the 2K coins, what did we even get from the initial 40€ pack?


im more surprised that people actually believed what they said and bought the pack


Well, of course I expected blizzard to give us what we actually paid for.


yeah, that’s the part im surprised by


I contacted Blizzard about this today. I bought the Watchpoint pack early in anticipation for PvE and I don’t have the missions anvailable to me either. Either they pay me back, give me the missions or I’m starting a legal process against them. I’ve done this three times before and won all of them. I doubt I’ll loose this one considering the facts and I’ll keep you posted. Does anyone have links to images of the advertising about the watch point pack and PvE before they released OW2?

Yes you would lose

Listen I don’t like it either, I quit playing the game because I was tired of it all but like
The pack NEVER involved the PVE, never did.

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nope , i rmr purchasing it but i STILL haven’t gotten the skins , i literally showed them proof and they didn’t reply.

You are missing the point.

They promised PvE in OW2 so people invested money in it buying the pack but the marketing was a scam and PvE never emerged as promised. And yes you could get your money back.


You must be a new player. I’m sorry you found out this way about blizzard. Never spend money on the game. Trust me.


Lich king levels of necro. Muted.

What news is gonna be next on this forum. Ana release? Hero limit intruduction?

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No they wouldn’t, because PVE and Co-op missions where the sales pitch for the pack when they started selling them way before OW2 released, and they later removed that info to hide the fact that they scammed people out of their money.