PATCH LIVE: Notes say no 250 hp McCree

Sorry, did you restart. That’s what I had to do.

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restarted the client twice, forced a check for updates twice and nothing. did get an update for the blizz client tho.

That’s a shame, still at least his ult changes went through.

What the hell a. It’s not live on ps4

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I was really hoping they’d keep the nerfed fire rate, I’d prefer not to play against someone with an SMG that does 70 damage per bullet.

It was a cool change but I had a feeling it wouldn’t make it. A lot of thought gets put into damage thresh holds in this game and 50 hp flips a ton of interactions across a lot of heros instantly.

For example. If I’m Ana I have to 4-tap McCree to win any sort of duel. Hooking a McCree as Hog would be a bigger mistake then grabbing a Reaper (at least in lower ranks).

It would 100% buff the hell out of him in more ways then I can even think about right now without doing a side by side comparison hero to hero.

Yeah it still has the clown noob friendly machine pistol