Passive self-healing should be removed

He’s not trolling, though…so you’d be falsely reporting…


Brigitte would probably benefit from having her passive AoE heal tied to her shield.

Activating the sheild would proc Inspire. Putting the shield down (or it breaking) would halt the effects. It would put emphasis on shield management and shield dancing during fights.

Last thing Reaper and Moira need are nerfs right now. Lifesteal effects are fine. You can literally see how much HP they regen when fighting them.


If you’re going to be like this then there’s no reason for you to be on the forums. If you just want people to agree with everything you say and falsely report people for disagreeing with you then what’s the point of even posting?


If you removed self heal: Brig can’t heal her self any other way, moria needs to waste a vital ability to heal her self and reaper would just start crying.

Also, reapers base vampirism is 20% of damage done. He barely gets 40 hp for every squishy he SOLO kills.

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So does Sombra’s Opportunist passive have to go too? You can’t tell if she’s using it or not so it’s not WYSIWYG. In fact it provides her with an unfair advantage and you can’t stop it making it more powerful than self-healing!
That’s it! #OpportunistHasToGo!


? It’s a war of attrition. The faster you kill them the less health they’ll have. If you sit there as Winston zapping them of course you’re going to have a hard time.
And you’d be surprised by how much
“jsut clixxor da heddz!! LOL!" applies. Hanzo, Widowmaker, and McCree can burn through her health before she has time to react. Getting 1 or 2 headshots really isn’t that hard, pros can do it quite consistently.
Not to mention she has a much lower pickrate in the OWL. Clearly that self heal isn’t good enough to make her viable.
Pick characters to counter her and work on your mechanical aim. That’s all it takes.

Moira got a (huge?) nerf in disguise with the barrier fixe in the last patch. :sweat_smile:

Exactly. They’re both pretty bad right now, there’s no reason they need more nerfs.

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its a way to make a character appear like a squshie but is tanky in reality

brigitte is more like 350 health hero when you actually fight her, moira maybe gains back 50 to 100 health back depending on who you play againts her

maybe thats why snipers are so effective againts brigitte?

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I can do exactly what I want in my own thread, including not tolerating trolls.
I suggest you start your own thread if you have something interesting to discuss.

There is many ways the passive heal could be dispensated for. Reaper could have his old system installed, where he had to pick up the heals. Maybe make them more potent than they were back then? Maybe even make it possible for allies to pick them up?
That would make him a “poor man’s healer” like Soldier76.

It was more comprehensible what happened, and Reaper actually had to kill something before he could get heals.

It would also be possible to play around with other buffs. Maybe buff Reaper’s base speed 5%? He could get (slightly) faster in and out. Or his range and spread could be adjusted. Or Shadowstep could be reworked to something stronger than what he has now.

Similar with Moira and Brigitte - there is many ways to tweak them.
Actually it would be ok if Brigitte could only heal others with her AoE. Or the healing could be linked to her shield, as one person suggested.

You do know, that Moira can AD-crouch-spam better than most heroes, as it doesn’t affect her aim (as she doesn’t need it), right?
Is it so easy for you to burn a good AD-crouch-spammer down?

As for her pick rate:
As I have said before, this is not a balance issue, but more an issue about abilities that I find don’t fit in, and according to the devs earlier statements doesn’t either.
Who in their right mind would want to see Reaper nerfed? Of course not. What I am after is the passive heals, which I feel does nothing for the game.

As for my or anyone else’s aim:
Could you imagine that I didn’t speak based on personal bias? That I really had an observation that I felt was the best for the GAME, not necessarily for me?
My aim is fine, thank you. I have several times been in diamond playing Tracer mainly, with a good amount of Widowmaker.

You can’t, actually. It’s your post, but it’s Blizzard’s forum and they’ve made it very clear what their policy is on flagging posts for simply disagreeing with someone

Continuing the discussion from Inappropriate use of the Flagging Feature:

Continuing the discussion from Inappropriate use of the Flagging Feature:

Since what you seem to be looking for is someone just agreeing with you and not a duscussion, might I suggest just making a word document that says “I’m right and everyone who disagrees with me is a troll” and turn on text to voice so it can read that out to you over and over again. That shpuld give you that echo chamber experience you’re really looking for.


Haaaaaahhhh… guys… this is rediculous, you know that, right?

There are 5 slef healing heroes in the game, 6 if you count in Soldier. Soldier and Bastions selfheal is an ability, and to an extend lucios is aswell… That leaves us exactly 3 selfhealing heroes.

Moira, Brig and Reaper. You know them, you know they have self heal. And if it comes to that they have 400+ health during a duel, youre doing something wrong. Even tho reaper selfheals, no chance against a McCree with decent aim and his FB not on CD. Moira? Boi, if that girl has her fade and her orbs on CD, her self heal means nothing. Except tricking her into thinking she could win a fight which she cant, but thats good for you.

As for brig, yeah, there needs something to be done, maybe reverse the heal thing. Heal with shield up, 1 sec period and then the heal stops. So shes either DDing or Healing, but not DDing AND healing ^^

But otherwise, its fine, if you cant win against anyone of those heroes, you gotta train. I know that moira can be cancer, especially when shes in a tight space with her healing or damage orb bouncing around, but thats an ability and makes sense that it is stronger, otherwise her dmg aint the best. And reaper, well, you can get out of his effective range by taking two steps back, so theres that

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That A-D crouch is a double edged sword. She can’t get headshots thus she’ll always have a set amount of time before she can kill her target.
And it doesn’t matter whether I can headshot someone doing that or not. It doesn’t change my point. Even if you can’t land that headshot body shots will suffice. A McCree can tear through a Moria even without headshots and he can still stay out of range so she can’t get that self heal. It really isn’t that hard.
You say this isn’t a balance issue but thats absolutely ridiculous. You want to completely remove features that make them viable in combat. Brig as no capacity to heal herself and Moria only has an orb on a lengthy cooldown and is flies away. Plus nearly every healer has some method to heal over time passive. You take that away and they’ll all need to run for health packs to get healed, which takes away from their role and slows the game down.

There’s nothing wrong with passive heals. I really don’t understand why you’d forward such an absurd idea simply because you don’t feel they fit.

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The A-D-crouch-spam is a double-edged sword - how? Yes, if you rely on aim it can be, as it messes up your aim, but Moira doesn’t need that.
A good A-D-crouch-spam can even avoid a good amount of body shots. I watch Kabaji’s stream regularly and see one of the best players do it.

You then go on to say, that a McCree can just stay out of a Moira’s range. Are you kidding? You know her range? Are you assuming the Moira is stupid, taking an impossible duel?
I can’t see your SR rank, but my estimate, based on what you say here, is that you are no higher than gold.

As I said time and again, of course all heroes need to be balanced, and nothing should be taken away without a substitution.
It is so obvious, it should not even be necessary to say - but hey, here we are.

Ok but you should have mentioned your ideas for compensatory buffs/changes in the OP or asked what our ideas are to avoid confusion. Do you have any proposals because idk about brig but self heal is necessary for Reaper and Moira right now.

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Why should I have done that? Isn’t it obvious? Or do you think my interest is in just destroying some heroes?
Just because you have that interest, doesn’t mean that everyone does. I am genuinely interested in seeing this game and all its heroes thrive.

So am I but some peeps on the forums do want some heroes purposefully kept in meme tier and by not affirming the former you implied the latter. A bunch of your replies have been peeps that think you want the self healers nerfed to the ground, so no, it wasn’t obvious.


That’s the point, Moria doesn’t get headshots. That enables her do A-D crouch but at the cost of not having to rely upon any skill to kill the target faster. She has a set amount of time before she can kill the target if she can stay on target. Anyone who can hit her consistently even when she’s doing that will always have an edge over her. It’s hard to hit but it’s not impossible. Plus McCree has a CC as well. If a A-D crouching Moria is giving you that much trouble just pick someone who can CC her.

No, I’m aware of her range and while it’s pretty big McCree’s will always be farther. Since she doesn’t have the range all she can do is run away from him while he’s free to shoot her. That you’d make assumptions about my SR rank, like it some how invalidates any point I make, says a lot about you.
Taking away abilities and replacing them with others requires a lot of balancing. You make it seem so simple(just give them something else) when they’re going to have to figure out not only what fits but what is balanced. And all for what? Because you don’t think they fit in the game? Because you think they’re OP? They clearly aren’t and with so much potential it would be ridiculous to get rid of a mechanic because you have a problem with it.

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I think it’d be ok to give Reaper globes back, but give them an added effect on top of the 50 health you get, like half a second off the cd of Wraith Form, or maybe make it so that dead teammates also drop souls for some added heals. I think Reaper needs a good looking at to begin with, but as for Moira specifically, her ability does look very life-draining. Giving Brig an active aura like Lucio’s would be nice.

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