Owl tokens not dropping

Am i the only one having this problem? Last stage I had no issues but now I’m not getting anything.

same here. no tokens today.

makes me think its time to not watch it today not worth the trouble of leaving my browser open

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I noticed this too. Does anyone know if this is a bug or if the OWL token drops are over?

I swear, I’ve probably missed out on a whole bunch of tokens since it never wants to decide when should they actually drop for me

It’s about once every 2-3 games I get absolutely 0 tokens

Well at least it’s a widespread enough problem that we got an actual response. Seriously though the tokens only seem to work maybe half the time. I have no idea why it’s so hard for them to reward people who watch their streams.

I know during the All star event I could go a day and get all my tokens as they accumulate, next I could have to wait hours or days for the notification to pop up. Others I got nothing at all for 6+ hours of watching.

Seriously Twitch, Blizzard who ever is responsible needs to look into this system. It fails to reward people in a timely matter, it fails to give rewards at all at times with no indication if your earning them or not till nothing shows up much later.

But worst they leave the “drops enabled” tag long after drops stop working and fail to mark their streams as reruns.

The whole system just makes me mad. Instead of giving out rewards to draw in an audience it does nothing but make me want to stay away from OWL. Even if I liked the matches I’d rather watch a rebroadcast on Youtube. That way I can skip the stupid commentators.

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