OWL skin bug needs to return as a Player-view feature?


Where you could represent your favorite OWL team in TRUE fashion
Before Blizzard had to be the “no fun allowed” cops and remove it

If there was anything that was “bug” related that i would love to have added as a feature, even if it’s just on the players viewside. it’s this.


I made a tweet to Blizzard regarding this topic, which they have replied too.


Yeah I still don’t know why they removed it. When it was on the ptr everyone thought that it was an intentional feature to go along side the color blind options and no one complained, but nope, it got patched out anyway.

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Remember the numbani spawn door giant spray bug? I LOVED it and they patched it out as well :confused:


It’s because EVERYONE could see the colours, it wasn’t just the player’s view only

that being said, adding it back for just the players View isn’t that hard

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I’m pretty sure the best bug was the one with Mei in FFA where her iceblock would make her levitate. It was hilarious to see one get booped off a ledge just to halt their momentum immediately and levitate back up.

Oh god, i remember that

“no fun allowed”

The LEAST they couldve done was add black and white as color options.

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2 bugs that were loved by the community, erased, but Hanzo can still shoot 5 feet past your head and snap for a headshot.


I still hope that one day they will make an option for us so we will see skin styled colors of projectiles and abilites on the hero we play. Like instead of everyone to see every custom color of OWL skins (and legendaries) just make it so you only see your colors on your client side with a toggle option.

This way your team wouldn’t confuse your red projectiles with a shanghai skin as enemy projectiles because ONLY YOU will see the respective color of your skin


If they were to add it, this would be the best time

Season 2 just started, COME ON BLIZZARD!

I’m still upset how the anti-fun police at Blizz removed the ability to have metallic pink weapon if you bought Hangzou OWL skin as Brig and had golden weapon equipped…

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It’s the closest thing to “gem” weapons we’ll get

it’s a shame they don’t just take advantage of these bugs, it’s literally free content they’re erasing.

What’s the bug? I don’t get it. :worried:

OWL skins once changed all of a character’s ability to that team’s colour.

Honestly should be at least a toggle for your own attacks. Wouldn’t lead to any confusion issues like teammates seeing reddish effects from Reign/Dragons/Defiant/Shock skins and you’d get to see your own colors.

And if you get confused by the colors on your own attacks… well, sorry about the brain damage.

No, 100% it should be just player view

If Genji’s SG skin can have a red dragon, then what’s stopping all this.

This seriously needs to return.

They keep pushing OWL on us but won’t re add this to the game clientside…

Come on bliz.

I remember first seeing it and going
“If this is made player only, to fix the confusion in teamfights, this would be one of the best things they’ve added”

But no, gotta remove it.

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Oh I see, That so cool.

One of the reasons why I keep using Mercy Pink skin is because it have pink pellets. So yeah, I would love the OWL skins to have team-color effects.

The bug would be problematic because you would see, eg, a green lava floor and not be sure which team that was. But if it was player-only visuals, it would be superb.