OWL player suspended

i love OWL drama but i dont see anything pedophilic on the chatlogs


Tbh also, going through her twitter she seems like a nutcase herself. Stay away from that young men, she’s a problem of her own.


Well I mean minecraft wasn’t always a meme factory, it was just destined to be, however overwatch league was doomed from the start.

“these few people are bad people irl so let’s dismiss all of them and make sure they’re the ones at fault for balance”

owl has had plenty of drama but a majority of it was boosting, and not anything to this severity, and hoping for the owl to fall is pretty silly unless you want the game as a whole to fail


it literally says in the link “accused”. its not confirmed.

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The only thing borderline for me is the “call me sugar daddy” but other than that … And she’s 15 yo, who doesn’t exchange some sex jokes at 15 ?


Who knew a bunch of people that grind video games 12 hours a day for years would be so weird


That term, man. Just lol.

THIS HAS NOT BEEN CONFIRMED. I know its a terrible thing to do but lets not make it sound like its “CONFIRMED” when its really not.

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I haven’t quite looked at Twitter yet to see the rest of the story but from what is on that link, there wasn’t anything super malicious and he even states that he isn’t stupid enough to do anything like that. So until we get the full story I’m staying neutral.


I think there is a missing link here, judging from her twitter history, she has a hard on for the OWL players in Huston. Something went down unplanned and she wasn’t happy.


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Yo how you posted this comment below 20 character.

you can check


to read more drama about it.

he has a girlfriend apparently who had a mental breakdown once she read the stuff… and huston outlaw fans started the whole thing.

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use <> to waste characters there like:


If this is true it kind of sucks more for his team, considering he’s an amazing WM.

Be a good idea to not jump to conclusions though, being female myself I’m gonna stick my neck out here and point out that I know PLENTY of girls who would do something like this just to get a guy in trouble for various petty reasons. PLENTY.

You think 15-year old girls aren’t conniving?

Trust me, they are. I used to be one, I’d know.


Then people wonder why I only “watch” the OWL stream for the tokens.

Every day these players find a way to get in trouble.

Edit: However… to his credit, he did say that he had no clue she was 14 and that the moment he found out he cut off contact. Then again it looks like he knew and is trying to play it off like it was supposed to be a joke? IDK

Either way he’s in trouble. Kiss his Epsorts career and future jobs good bye.

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Anyone blaming the 14 year old girl for being a dumb teenager while the 21 year old ADULT preys on her is disgusting.


Where is the confirmation?

all the negative stuff comes from overwatch league
why am i not surprised

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