OWL is not the real OW

i dont rly want to play ffa personally lol. Id rather we balance around a team game

then why would you care about the balance of the game.

Because balancing for the 1% wrecks it for everyone else.

Goats was only seen in OWL and practically nonexistent on ladder and the things the pros abused by going 3-0-3 is actually what encouraged ladder to play 2-2-2.

When they nerfed goats which made 3-0-3 about as effective as a 2-0-2. It may have curbed goats in the pro level, but on ladder, 2-2-2 became 1.5-2-1.5 and the tank role collapsed. Ladder may not be able to follow pro metas, but it certainly affects their gameplay.

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I completely agree and the funny thing about top 500/GM players they can’t even 6 stack anymore which even shows more that OWL is not real OW because they play at a higher level and able to 6 stack. But of course it wouldn’t make sense if they couldn’t 6 stack so people should get what I mean.

The thing that bothers me the most is when certain characters that need very high team play get nerf because of OWL coordination even though we know regular ladder can’t play to that level.


Goats was the worst thing ever for ladder it introduced brig which by herself mad all the former tracer genji players sink and abused the ranked system. And literally ever successfully competitive 6v6 game does top down. It’s not a debate it’s just the best option dude. Sry

Top down doesn’t mean the absolute top with no consideration for the lower ranks.

Trickle down balancing has been shown to not work. Orisa has been trash everywhere on ladder from masters and below for half a year. And for that half year, ladder has been locked two only two tanks. Reinhardt and Zarya.

If balancing for the top is supposed to somehow benefit the lower tiers, that hasn’t happened in the six months since.

Bronze to diamond atleast shows the progression as heroes go in and out of their skill floors and ceilings. They’re 10% playerbase. A smaller subset of the player population but one which everyone can still relate.

Once you go into masters however, they don’t resemble the players just one rank below. And GM’s don’t resemble the other 99% at all.

For half a year ladder had been meta locked into just two tanks, Reinhardt and Zarya.

And it isn’t just about popularity, they’re winning more than everyone else. If it was just popularity, then lower picked heroes like Orisa would be winning more even if they have a low pickrate. But that’s not happening, she’s just trash.

Up until Diamond it’s still Rein and Zar.

And even in Masters, Orisa still wasn’t in the runnings, especially considering her low winrate.

In grandmasters, we finally have Orisa Sigma, but Orisa’s actually has the lowest winrate.

So how about explaining how nerfing Orisa and Sigma for the sake of the 1% is supposed to trickle down the ranks where the must pick tanks (yes, they’re must picks, they have the highest pick and win rates, they actually work) are Reinhardt and Zarya?

Oh and with regard to OWL? This was OWL on the same patch. They shifted from Orisa/Sig to Winston/D.va on the same patch.

Orisa and Sigma got screwed over for no reason.

Yes, the experience is different. The mindset of the players is different, too. Trying to find a group of people on an equal skill level is difficult. Finding people who play regularly is also very difficult. It’s still the same game though. It’s OW.

I agree they are basically different games at that point. Considering 99.9999% of players are playing one version I’d consider that far more important in terms of balance and focus.

its not supposed to trickle down lol. Rein zarya is supposed to be dominant in low elos. Winston and orisa take teamwork that they don’t have. When rein is bad that should be scary. Ranks should have consistent picks just like how they have a consistent skill level. And if u don’t want to grind up and be competitive just don’t worry about the picks or whatever. Play what you want. It doesn’t matter dude

Only two tanks being viable for 99% of the playerbase for the sake of the 1% is why this game is dying (if not dead already).

Sure it does. Remember, the goats nerfs trashed the tanks on ladder for the sake of OWL. Orisa didn’t become strongest because she became strong, she was strongest because everyone above her got cratered.

This was taken during the height of the fabled doubleshield meta (before the shieldnerfs)

It’s actually the most balanced the tanks have been in 2-2-2. Tanks weren’t getting mirrored, you can pick any tank.

But for the sake of the 1%. Ladder got locked into just two tanks.

If it really didn’t matter, then tanks now would have the same pickrates as they did during doubleshield “meta”. But no, the nerfs only removed options on ladder.

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Its not why people left the game. People want to play ow with a rein and ana lucio cree genji and stuff. They don’t want to mirror sheilds, sustain heals, snipers and all this stuff. Rein teaches basics of ow. This isnt that problematic.

Except they ended up mirroring for half a year because of the 1%, ladder was running the same two tanks for over six months.

OWL is about as reflective of the true OW experience as the devs in a controlled environment.

Ladder isn’t ow…
Owl is how ow is supposed to be played.

Imho, thats how the devs designed the game.

Its not designed around 6 random plebs trying to have fun in a game. Sadly we moved heavily into that direction.

The fundamentals of playing the game are the same, the damage/health values are the same, how is it “not the real OW?”

OWL is a group of paid gamers…
OW is a group of gamers who paid…


They don’t…Jeff himself said they balance around owl, gm and masters…but people only ever hear the first one

Jokes on you; you literally can’t do that once your group rating gets too high

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It’s the real pinnacle of Overwatch: the mountain peak, if you will. But things on the peak of the mountain are quite different than on its slopes or base or one of its many crevices or caves.

Every part is as real as any other. The difference is not many people can stand on the peak at the same time.

Yes that is certainly something that should be changed. It is extremely silly that because it discourages people from grouping in a game that is designed to be played in a group