OWL is not the real OW

But it will never be by its casual nature. OW will never be a harcore FPS and in high level grouping is not even allowed. So therefore OWL can never be reached and should not be a balance reason.

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I agree. owl can play around abilities instead of a hero itself. it’s not fair looking at the balancing of a hero if they play the full team as a 1 hero.

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I mean kids playing football can’t use the entire pitch to the degree professionals can but doesn’t mean the professionals should have a smaller pitch to help fat Timmy who can’t run very far, the peak of the game is where people aim for so that’s where it should be focused, also anyone can join a team and play coordinated

Wrong example. Football is finished. No new rules or balancing. Videogames are diffenrent by nature. You can play football like the pros just by playing it like you did back in school (more or less) but in OW you cant play normally in teams vs other teams. Its 6 random guys vs 6 random guys.

You still dont get the point. Maybe I am just bad at explaining it. I am sorry that you cant understand it.

But why? I don’t want to have to run that far just because professionals train 10+ hours a day #deleteworldcup #makethenetbigger

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OWL is the goal. OWL is what we should all strive to be able to achieve. That doesn’t mean we should all try to be pro players, that just means that’s the gameplay we should try to emulate if we want to get better.

This goes for any game. If you play League, you should try to mimic strategies & gameplay techniques that pro players use if you want to get better, unless you can figure it out on your own (most can’t)

This is why Blizz needs to balance mostly around the top level, because it’s a competitive game & that’s what just about every competitive game does. If it was PvE only then balance wouldn’t matter

Whether anyone likes it or not, OWL is Overwatch. Overwatch is supposed to be played with teamwork & coordination & mics. You don’t balance Overwatch around solo queue non-mic using players who aren’t trying to win & improve.

This is my opinion anyways.

Top level yes. Like GM and top 500 (people that play the same 6 randoms vs 6 randoms). But not OWL.

I disagree. OWL needs to be the focus because that’s the epitome of Overwatch when your team works together. That’s real balance. But, Blizz also balances based on ladder…take Reaper for example. Reaper is pretty meh in high ranks & OWL, but he’s good in low ranks so he hasn’t been buffed.

Blizz balances for both high ranks & low ranks which in a game like this is insanely difficult. It’s not like CoD or Valorant or Fortnite where every character has access to the same tools/guns/perks etc. Every hero is entirely unique, and with a roster of 32 heroes, it’s literally impossible to make every hero equally viable in every rank especially when they have difference skill floors & ceilings. For example, the skill required to play Genji at his peak is higher than many heroes. That means he’ll be better in high ranks where players can reach his peak & not as good in lower ranks where heroes like Junkrat get more value for less effort.

Wrong. You cant compare OWL to regualr ladder and blizz should balance around the ladder (you know the thing we all play in and the thing was was present before OWL. The real GAME). OWL should show whats possible.

You’re blaming Blizz for the players you play with. It is not Blizzards fault that players do not want to communicate in your games & that doesn’t mean Blizz should somehow change balance to handicap players who choose to play like that.

Not only that, but I just gave examples in my edited post on how Blizz does balance around ladder as well. Feel free to reread it, you may have missed my large edit.

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i think blizzard dont know what a clan system is

people be like " owl are the only ones that really play ow" how so? so 100 people that are paid for playing and training with their private teams 14 hours per day represent the playerbase? xd

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I have to disagree.
I don’t know at what level you played, but winning HOTS with a leaver down is near impossible. If the enemy plays macro focused you fall behind too fast and you can’t catch up and you are forced to give up structures. It’s so easy to exploit it when the enemy has a leaver because the enemy has a bot who feeds.

If the enemy focus on ganging their isn’t much either you can do. 5 v 6 is incredible hard to win, the enemy has to really f it up

HOTs is very team reliant.
Macroplay is not possible without teamplay, objectives are impossible without teamplay, core push is not possible without teamplay.
Tomb of spider queen, your team has enough gems, you ping the objective and everyone moves to the objective and anchors the objective. This was common for me even in quickplay

Yes OW needs teamplay and it’s not easy aswell, but even in plat people lack the basics like:

  • play around your support (pay attention to LOS, peeling)
  • focus targets
  • punish mistakes
  • don’t press q all together
  • prioritize your targets
  • help your tanks
  • punish the enemy if they do the same stuff over and over

No. I blaming them for making “blalance changes” that does not make the situation for the game better. They want flashy moments in the OWL (DPS) while the game needs tanks and supports more than ever.


Can you give specific examples so I know what you’re referring to? I can’t respond to broad statements

Can you look at the balance changes this year? Was there a single patch where tanks or supports was not nerfed or DPS buffed/ slightly touched?

2shield nerf?
Genji META?
Roadhog nerf?

Just to name the most popular ones. This are changes made the OWL a lot more enjoyable to watch but the game more and more terrible to play for tanks and supports. And dont come me with “well DPS are the majority!”


I don’t understand what this is supposed to mean. Are tanks & supports not allowed to be nerfed? I mostly play tank & support these days & I support the changes because it allows me to play other heroes too. The only metas I don’t like are the ones that stay for far too long.

If you were watching a Bob Ross stream, that’s where chat would spam SAVED.

Double shield for a year wasn’t a whole lot of fun for me, was it for you?

Lasted like a month & now he’s back to average… which just goes to show that he did need some of the buffs he received since he’s objectively stronger than he was before but is still outclassed by other heroes. At least now he feels a bit better compared to before.

Another necessary change. Hog was 2 shotting tanks pretty consistently & after the changes he can still consistently 1 shot most targets. (considering many people claim tank isn’t fun to play, I imagine getting 2 shot is a reason why) I’ve been seeing every single tank played for the time being since the change, including Hog. Before the change it was 75% Hog/Zar. Variety is good.

I wouldn’t say anything like that when there’s justification for those examples.

Do you have any other examples?

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In the beginning they thought in making ranked to only 6 stacks… so to me thats the real OW, that’s what we play? probably not.

owl are trendsetters. They play a bunch of monky and now monky is great in masters and gm. They played orisa sig brig and they were great in masters and gm. If its a different game then owl is real ow. Its what ranked should aspire to be. And if your complaining about balance from a rank where meta doesn’t matter, ur opinion is valid, but remember that in a rank where picks matter way less than the player you haven’t witnessed or are affected by the meta tenfold what high elo players are.

i dont rly want to play ffa personally lol. Id rather we balance around a team game

then why would you care about the balance of the game.