[OW2] Symmetra Powershift Fix

Super agree with this change. They need to speed up her kit for her to fit into OW2’s faster playstyle.

And let’s get rid of tp’s cooldown if self destroyed, it’s so annoying after using it to get to point and then wanting to use it offensively but having to wait the same amount of time as if someone had destroyed it.

no you haven’t fixed it.

  • orb spam is simply too inconsistent. you can’t assume she’s somehow going to consistently land shots with it with how terribly numbered it is (slow projectile speed —> too easy to dodge even if you’re like 15m away or more).

  • not to mention you don’t even try to address how unavailable tp is post infinite tp nerf for sym to get in close frequently to even utility a charged primary or “use orbs like a shot gun” much even if she did charge it up.

there’s 2 sides of uptime

  • mobility compensating range and/or vice versa (how often they can reach effective range)
  • burst compensating sustain and/or vice versa (how long they can stay in effective range to get something meaningful done)

you’ve attempted to address the 2nd, but the 1st remains untouched.

Well, that sounds like being more capable of applying a Slow.

Like what if deploying a sentry at your feet had instant deploy time.

Actually nm, I remember now what my upcoming concept had different

unless you’re planning on having turrets have like soldier tier range, that’s not going to work for your idea of “hey spam orbs from afar for charge then go close to beam”…

like decreasing sentry deploy time is still largely about the 2nd point of burst vs sustain as opposed to mobility vs range.

Tbh, the concept I’m working on would just bring back the projectile barrier

So that’s your gap closer

See I would lean on making her a damage unity powerhouse giving her more options and keep the wind up

M1 beam – now penetrates heroes like mei ice beam this allows symmetra the ability to increase her damage through thoughtful positioning of lining up enemies similar to getting head shots

M2 orbs – bring back the 2s hold shield penetration more options for what symmetra can do

Turrets – inside 10m the turret will skip the travel and instantly start deploying on the wall.

Teleporter – shield generator is not brought back as an option but instead of adding 50 shields within a 50m radius. It replaces 50hp with shield in a 30m radius to a maximum of 150 shields (if you are already at 150 shields or over you don’t get anything) and reduces the shield recharge cooldown to 2s.

but this might all make her a bit broken.

old barrier wasn’t good at gap closing tho.

  • it was only an engage, doesn’t include an escape at all —> either team wipe or try hard until you die —> throw if you don’t team kill
  • it was only good against very few targets i.e. static targets which are being reduced a lot in OW2. like it was only good against snipers, bastion and torb turrets because they can’t/don’t move around for better los past the linear barrier. which is stupid to think would be viable in OW2 when mobility creep is there. heck bastion’s no longer stationary so that’s like 1/4 of what it was good against and hanzo already has his leap so another 1/4 of targets old barrier was good against.

don’t need an escape when you play within the confines of the area you control, that’s what Symmetra’s niche was at the time.

also good against D.va bombs, basically any ground AoE ability (Rein Shatter, Doom ult), Tracer bombs, making Pharah kill herself during her ultimate, it definitely had more uses than just LoS’ing stationary targets.

hence why she was only decent at defense in the vast majority of the time leading to really low uptime compared to heroes that can dynamically make wherever “their area they controlled”.

of which is already obsolete in OW1 let alone OW2 whereby they’re enforcing higher paced kits.

except that’s not at all in the context of gap closing which is what we’re talking about.

also heck you can’t even use it for those things if you used it to gap close, or vice versa which is a big problem in of itself.

You know, I’m beginning to think they should just dust off the idea of “Symmetra herself can instantly use a teleporter, but her team has to wait for full deployment”

Which would make her more effective at

  1. Enforcing her preferred attack range.
  2. Disengaging when the fight gets too hot

now you know why so many of us sym mains have been asking for it for a long time now :stuck_out_tongue:

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Some teleporter changes I had in mind after reading your comment and agreeing. I Did not expect it to be this long, went off on a long tp tangent.

The tp problem: Symmetra’s teleporter is too restrictive due to a number of things but particularly due to the way its cooldown/destruction works.

These changes aim to remove the restrictions while creating new ways to express player creativity.


  • Symmetra can now instantly use her teleporter when placed but her team has to wait for full deployment
  • Cooldown begins on ability cast not on destruction
  • 2 pairs of teleporters can exist at a time
  • Oldest teleporters destroyed if maximum limit reached when placing a new one
  • Can hold 2 charges maximum
  • No cooldown penalty when self destroyed
  • Full cooldown penalty if destroyed by enemy or alternatively(less harsh penalty): reduce the maximum number of charges by one for 10 seconds (cooldown duration) if destroyed by enemy
  • Cannot be self destroyed if under attack

After thinking about how the mechanics would work for this new teleporter, I realised there would need to be new way of self destroying teleporters since the same ability key is used to build and destroy teleporters right now.

Since there isn’t a free button available to assign “Destroy teleporter”, I thought about introducing an alternate “weapon” to switch to just like how Torbjörn or Mercy can switch
This alternate “weapon” would just be her hands with no weapon as it’s still within Symmetra’s identity to go weaponless. For instance, Symmetra doesn’t even use her weapon in any of her highlight intros nor is it visible. Point is, Symmetra appearing with no weapon and just her hands on screen would not seem weird (her mind and gestures are considered her true “weapon”). This would open up two more buttons for Symmetra to interact with her teleporters.

New Alternate Weapon: “Hands”

(can’t really think of a better name)

Hands (Primary Fire)

  • Allows Symmetra to move a nearby selected teleporter and place it in another location inside its range

Hands (Secondary Fire)

  • Destroys a selected teleporter

Firstly, now her teleporters can be self destroyed with the new teleporter mechanics but what this is really for is that it can allow Symmetra to move around already placed teleporters to put them in better spots and to hide them.
The way the teleporter is right now is pretty restrictive and boring, a simple line of sight to the next one, but this change will bring some freedom and creativity back into teleporter placement (like the OG teleporter or shield generator).
The teleporter relocation should work by line of sight but the teleporter destruction should work like Sombra translocator destruction (looking at it through walls). (Alternately, the relocation could also work through walls? If it’s too unfair/broken, then make it line of sight)


These changes are just a thought tangent I went on after reading your post and are in no way conclusive to address all of Symmetra’s problems. They just attempt to expand the teleporter fantasy and fix it’s restrictions while opening up some survival options for her.

Regarding other parts of her kit?
I think her ultimate needs to be buffed somehow, either add a slow or a knockback? Just a pure stationary shield isn’t enough in OW2, I believe.
I think her damage numbers are fine just the way she reaches those damages numbers is too slow/dangerous for OW2, like the “paradox” you mentioned.

Introducing a beam charge mechanic from her orb spam like you mentioned would be a good consistency buff

I also agree it could still be inconsistent with faster moving targets and to address that, maybe damage from her turrets could contribute to the beam charge up??


Sym is too slow for OW2. She needs consistency buffs, survivability buffs. I think her teleporters fantasy should be enhanced upon to set her apart from other dps and solidify the reason why you would want to have a sym on your team (and not immediately switch after using it once).

Or just renumber orbs around faster projectile speed so that you can actually be precise and aim them at targets in more ranges… Leading it to have a longer effective range —> sym has a longer effective range and orbs won’t compete with primary as much because they’d have differe effective ranges…

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