OW2: Nerfing supports/tanks, buffing DPS

Source please, I’ve literally never seen this. The livestream certainly didn’t show off higher TTK

No, they’ve talked about how “main tanks” will be getting less survivability.

Like, yeah, it’s early, but since everything they’ve said for tanks/supports shows a net reduction of power, and the ONLY thing they’ve announced for DPS is a huge increase of power (role passive with movespeed), yeah, I’m concerned.


Honestly from what I’ve seen, the high defense tanks are getting their damage potential increased while their defense decreased whereas the lower defense tanks are getting increased damage and defense. Basically making defensive abilities more even across the board.

Mobility is still a mystery.

Haha, you’re kidding me.

Not granting as much ult charge means nothing. For tank players it’s a completely non interactive passive. Whether or not it exists it does not change the gameplay of a tank at all. It’s boring as hell.

Alright. He’s got two firestrikes. That each do less damage than one. It’s worthless. You’re sacrificing burst for the ability to make yourself vulnerable more frequently. We both know burst damage is more valuable than chip.

On to the next. You can turn better on charge and can cancel. Ok? Those are just quality of life upgrades. Nearly every hero still has a movement ability that they can use to just not get pinned. Is that worth losing what? 600? Shield HP. That’s not just protecting his team, that’s health for rein himself. Effective HP, drastically reduced. He’ll be more fragile and do less damage than ever, a complete nonentity.

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No shot you actually think that faster movement speed is better than blanket steadfast and passive regen.

Source? I know they said she’s losing her shield bash but losing an ability isn’t a rework.

I don’t care what direction they take balancing in ow2, I’m just hoping they tone down tank damage. Roadhog shouldn’t be able to one-shot if he has CC.