[OW2] Nerf Widow to Fix Junker Queen

I figure worst comes to worst, they keep that 200hp buff, and maybe buff her primary fire.

But if it comes down to a choice of

  • “Widow only being viable at high ELO”


  • “Half the Tank roster is invalid”

That’s a no-brainer to me.

With 18+ DPS to choose from, they don’t need all of them to be good in all ELOs.

Where as the game can’t tolerate “Automatic throw pick” Tanks when there’s only 1 Tank player per team, and your can’t swap Roles.

Either the Tank hero roster choice just gets extremely limited, or you get some extreme toxicity within seconds of the match starting. Followed by tank players getting banned for all the “Game Sabotage Throwing because they the wrong Tank” reports.

And like said above, it’s not the end of the world if the “The Widow isn’t getting enough kills”, because all the roles can get kills and damage.

Well the easy fix for that is to nerf Hanzo too.

Since he also falls under the “Effectively got gigabuffed relative to OW1, due to reduced barriers”.

If removing CC means Flankers get nerfed. Then removing barriers should mean ranged one-shots get nerfed.

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Indirect buffs aren’t real. They only exist in theory, while in practice something different may occur entirely. The game is moving more towards a less methodical, press W to win game style. If anything, Widow got indirectly nerfed since “run at them” is even more of a viable strat.

That widow who can quick kill multiple heroes is a rarity. You never see it in quick play, and you only see it in like GM or OWL. You guys wanted less shields, and got them, but now you want to pull even more on this “nerf” thread until the entire suit unravels.

We’ll wait to see if Widow over preforms and then we’ll talk about nerfs. Until then, don’t we have OW1 to ruin with petty complaints?

That’s a dishonest or naive statement and you should know better.

If they remove a ton of CC from the game, does that not make Tracer a ton stronger?

Furthermore, if you wanna talk about overall meta-game win condition stuff.

Each individual kill in 5v5 is dramatically more consequential in a 4v5 scenario, versus a 5v6 scenario.

How about they error on the side of 1/18th of the DPS roster not screwing over 1/2th of the Tank roster.

Since worst comes to worst, a few DPS players quitting the game entirely would only improve queue times.

Where as everybody suffers if they get screwed over by the 1 player on their team picking an automatic throw pick for the Tank.


Yeah, the statement by itself is incredibly naive. Its a good thing I typed a bunch of other stuff to make sense of that statement, so that it turns from a naive statement, to a skeptical statement. If you’re not going to bother arguing with my point, don’t cut a piece of it off and write multiple lines as a response to it.

Even if your statement did make sense, what it essentially boils down to is “All deathball tanks without barriers should suck, because Winston and Ball exists”.

And you don’t somehow see how excessively reductive that is to the Tank roster? To the overall amount of viable composition styles in the game?

Half the Tank roster just gets to be invalid, because it’s not acceptable to have 1/18th of the DPS roster only be a niche pick or high skill floor pick?

Furthermore, you don’t need to kill a ton of players with Widow, when you get a ton of free zoning value just by existing. And even getting one kill makes a 4v5 fight, which is a lot more determinative of the fight outcome than a 5v6 fight.

But sure, go ahead and make a “nearly out of touch with reality” statement, then use some weak justifications to backtrack on it.

That said, from a more “Corporate perspective”

It’s dramatically more important than queue times are good, and you don’t have entire teams hating their play experience because “The wrong tank” was picked so they tilt like crazy and lose. Heck, even the enemy team will be getting less enjoyment from unbalanced snowball wins.

By comparison, if Widow is a bit more durable but has to charge a bit longer. That’s a net buff for mid-low ELO Elo players. Buff her primary a bit and it’s even better for that.

And if Widow isn’t the best in high ELO, well there’s always the new hotness Sojourn. Which wouldn’t really be a problem if she shined more than Widow in the first season. If anything that’d be a good thing for marketing.

By comparison, if they put out 2 Tank redesigns the 2 New Tanks (I.e. Mauga), and they all suck because of Widow. That’s a marketing catastrophe.

Why would a business want to open themselves up to that kind of financial risk?

And for what, a handful of sniper players that could just as easily play any other FPS with a Sniper Rifle? That probably had weak player retention to begin with, if that’s all it took to get them to quit?

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But it is also indirectly extremely nerfed, less peel, it also has fewer shields, etc. It’s not like it’s all just widow in the cards.

She could have less hp at same time folks should play her counters not force mirror matches. I really don’t think that widow’s damage should get nerfed if so if they reduce to 100 the base should be fine and the hs multiplier be 3x to reach the 300hp. 300hp is a huge deal against zarya, sigma, d.va and others even now that armors severely nerf burst damage on it. She should excel where she supposed to Excel and be weak on surviability having more downtime in grapple by example.

Is fine JQ be weak against her. Is the same as brig and rein being weak against pharah or sigma being weak against sombra.

The question is more about who would pick her counter instead if try mirror her.

JQ can use covers and work on closed spaces where she excels, her team should deal with widow, otherwise she swaps to deal with it.

I mean heroes like Orisa & Doomfist (funny how it’s these two rivals) basically prove that was an “exact words” statement.

The won’t literally delete a hero, but they’ll swap out most/all of their abilities, give their gun a major playstyle change and maybe shunt them into a different role. That’s com-plete-ly different!

Perhaps, but the way I’m seeing it

Widow balance changes (indirect + direct)

  • :white_check_mark: 200 HP
  • :white_check_mark: Way less barriers
  • :white_check_mark: Tracer nerfs
  • :white_check_mark: 4v5 is way way more impactful than 5v6
  • :white_check_mark: No DPS Doomfist
  • :white_check_mark: No dedicated offtank to go hunt snipers
  • :rotating_light: Sombra buffs
  • :rotating_light: More Dive meta

Overall, that’s still a gigantic buff to Widow. And even if it wasn’t, she’d need to be powershifted so that she’s not a problem for the overall game design.


she really needs a rework for her one-shot mechanic. with one less tank and these buffs they’re giving her (???) plus the fact that they refuse to give her reasonable fall-off damage she can be such a menace, and she’s SO boring to fight unless you’re doing a widow 1v1

like, might as well have a character with a 5% chance to randomly do 300 damage to someone they’re looking at. That’s how it feels playing against her when you’re walking back from spawn and she slingshots herself into the stratosphere to one-shot you from the skybox. Such a snooze fest and the only way you can fight back on so many heroes is to hide…

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I don’t find widow particularly strong in OW 2. rather de opposite is the case. Especially on the new maps which are all contored af and force Windows into Middle Range even close range.
Widow is strong in long range. No question about it. She’s a sniper, that’s the whole point. But when does it happen that there is a chance to go high range on all maps? Think about it. That is not often the case.

Most fights in Overwatch happen in close ore Middle Range.
Besides Windows we have also other “Sniper like” or Scout like classes as DPS that are better on clode ore middle range by design.

Even Casidy

All of them with have a much higher DPS output than Widow, bigger projectile, and in combat a better movement. In overwatch 2, other DPS also got a buff in dmg or DPS. What got widow? 25 health points more. TBH, that is nothing in comparison alone with the higher dmg and DPS output right now.
Windows is clearly at a disadvantage here in the most situations.
In scope, Widow is frozen in place. Also she has to wait until her shot is loaded to 100% and then the shot has to hit.
In that time every above mentioned DPS has enough time to spam shots at Windows while bounce around like a rubber ball. For me, if Widow still wins the fight, it’s because of the players skill level, not because she’s OP.
Also not to forget, if a widow pop off your tank can simply switch to a shild hero like reinhard , Sigma or Wiston. Only “one shield” is still enough to outplay her current spot, so that a widnows player is forced to back up and find a new spot…

can widow one shot junkerqueen ?

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No. But a damage boosted Widow can do 390 damage, and Junker Queen has 425hp.

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Her map is like the definition of longer sightlines tho.