Hey that’s awesome. As someone whose been a disc priest main since BC I get it. Healer/support roles typically have fewer players, but those players that do love it and are dedicated to it. I did some raid healing through the years but arenas were more my calling. In the earlier wow pve days at least, if as a priest you weren’t contributing dps it didn’t really matter. In pvp if you weren’t contributing more than healing you weren’t doing your job properly. Simply put, an ability like Psychic Scream hasn’t had much value in raids, but it’s invaluable in arenas. I don’t recall Mana Burn having much use in raids either, but again invaluable in pvp. Mind Control was also just a niche ability in pve but utilized often in pvp. Shadow Word: Death-ing CC was another thing that separated good priests from bad priests. The difference in play style between pve and pvp is massive.
Circling back, just like wow pvp, ow pvp requires more than just healing. Your full kit regardless of what support you’re playing has healing, utility and damage. The only support up to this point who didn’t was Moira, who as of beta 2 now has utility. Being able to float by only using part of your kit might be a more comfortable or fun play style for some, but the value lost is detrimental to both your own play and to the team even if people can’t see it. Being able to triage and weave in damage/utility properly has always been the responsibility of support. This is true in ow1 and is still true in ow2.
You know there is a damage cap for supports. Yes you can pop off, but there is always that limitation.
Personally I like aggressive supports and I dislike these arguments that more solo kill potential will ruin supports or make dps useless.
What would happen if support damage was not capped. People seem to think most will move to playing supports. Is that a bad thing?
I wonder what you would consider as an improvement for supports or do you believe they are fine as is. I will tell you that a shiny new hero won’t make the role permanently better. It will be the same as usual after the honeymoon phases passes.
People complain about offensive utility, because we mostly trashed defensive one. So, no offensive utility, unless we want to make tank queue emptied just as fast, as it was filled, due to lone tank getting hit with all lots of “you are screwed” abilities.
Buff the tanking stats of the tank role. All tanks are more versatile and more survivable. That’s a good way to rework tanks, by improving their defensive abilities and their tankiness.
But some people want to change the support to the wrong direction, which is making them pseudo-DPS.
If you want to save support, give it the tank treatment. Buff the supportive aspects of the role, and make them more survivable.