"OW2 is so much better"

OW1’s beta phase did not last for six years, no :slight_smile:

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I don’t like PvP games. Especially PvP games that are so horrifically mismanaged by their parent company with little to no community management. I learned that playing DOOM 2016’s multiplayer which has no anticheat and no matchmaking (before I learned what Steam Achievement Manager was, and then I realized I never had to make myself suffer through a god-awful game for achievements ever again), which, Overwatch at least has the ILLUSION of matchmaking. Illusion, anyway. We all know it’s trash, too, but. This isn’t about that.

Actually, strike that, I hate PvP games. I actually tried playing TF2 for myself and ended up hating it because a ten year old multiplayer game is basically impenetrable. I played private WoW servers and besides the pay-2-win aspect being insufferable, its community of toxic dudebros was something else.

I was not aware, when my friend first told me about this game, it was PvP. But I was so in love with the world and characters, I figured, if I grit my teeth, it could be endured.

Now I’m tired of enduring. I actually hate this game, hate its community, hate its developers for the toxic, addictive, built-on-lies cesspool they dragged me into. But I still love the world, the lore, the story, the potential of it all.

The only reason I am still here at all is due to waiting for the PvE that will finally give me the content I care about, or waiting for them to sell the franchise to an animation studio so that someone ELSE can give me the content I care about.

Whichever comes first.

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While playing I thought that they could have made the old sounds optional in the settings so that people that like the older sounds could use those instead of the new ones.

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Tbh the new sound alone aren’t bad. The way how they are implemented in the game is.

Of course not silly! It did occur to me that the snowball problem OW 2 has (something not talked about strange… yet) is a real problem and worse when an alt or Smurf going up would be in play. This is going to be even worse in OW 2 than OW 1… two benefits of the beta were 1) for the most part, people weren’t toxic (thought a lot of people without real understanding of the game were in beta), and 2) the lack of alts/smurfs made an improvement in matchmaking which was offset by the gross lack of players so teams were almost always poorly matched - I’d say 4/5 of the games were rolls, I mean I saw teams with the high elim count of say 6 vs 30 on the other side… that cannot be the norm for OW 2 or people won’t stick with the game, it felt awful.


It’s making people rage on the forums? :thinking:

They very well may not bother working on that, but we had a closed Beta.
Nobody was a smurf.

We’re just going to ban the ability to play meta? Youre really gonna ban people like Yznsa just because theyre proficient in 1 hero?

You know theyre not even doing this in ow1 right? So how is this an argument against ow2?

The game isn’t even released yet, there was literally not even a comp mode, quick play only. How could you smurf in a beta with no comp?

Again, theyre not even doing this in ow1, so how is this an argument against ow2?

What does this even mean???

Youre literally the only person Ive ever seen complain about the much needed ping system. I thought you could already mute the pings?

This is your only valid point. The screen shake was overkill and there should be an option to turn it down.

There should be an option to use the old sound, but they already said multiple times that theyre still working on the audio.

Again… the audio ques in ow1 dont work half the time either.

Are they doing this in ow1?

Literally more than half of your “points” can be used to argue that ow1 is unplayable your own eyes lol


god, i love this :joy:. thank you for making me laugh


It’s almost like the devs’ lack of community management and development in OW1 and leaving it to be a rotting cesspool doesn’t bode well for their community management and development in the sequel, either.


There’s a long list of reasons why OW2 is so much better, some of which I’ve said on other threads.

I don’t see why one tricks should be banned, I don’t see smurfing as any kind of huge problem as I can count on one hand since launch how many times I’ve been like “wow this player is so much better than everyone and shouldn’t be in this game”, I don’t know what you mean about “rein in the powerlevel of dps”, I haven’t experienced any abuse of the ping system & I think it’s a good addition, I don’t know what “nauseating screen shake” you’re referring to, or the “headache inducing audio”, or what more beyond suspensions you think should be done about throwers.

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It was fresh and I was able to play winston again.

Also, no rein/zarya or double shield.

Now we need to nerf hitscan/hanzo/echo into the dirt.

Yo have you ever tried modded MC? Absolutely massive amount of content you can enjoy solo. Lots of modpacks also give you quests and a goal to work towards if you find normal MC to be too open ended.

I agree, they should be addressing throwers/smurfs regardless of having a sequel or not. They’re core problems that affect both games and anyone would be happy to see them addressed.

But to say that ow2 can’t a better experience without these things alone isn’t necessarily true.

Where does one tricks make OW2 good or bad?

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I liked it more.

It’s better for what I want out of the game, and I know that is not universal. I don’t like when someone says “Ow1 is better” or “Ow2 is better” like it’s a fact.

It really depends on what you want out of the game. For me, Ow2 fits it better. If that’s not true for you - that is totally valid and okay!

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would that actually make it any better though?

if youre gonna ask questions, dont make it ones we both know no one knows the answer to.

is this a joke? they have been by far the weakest role for years.


as someone who gets motion sick from games incredibly easily, I haven’t noticed any. if it was there then it was in ow1 too and i have just gotten used to it.

what about the audio is headache inducing? some of the gun sounds went back a step buts thats about all that changed.

again with the questions no one knows the answers to. do you think we have insider information? if we did we wouldnt be spending time here of all places.

ahh, you didn’t want answers, you wanted to vent because you’re mad about something.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner.


“Did they ban one tricks”

Nice bait. Moving on

Oh come now. You know Blizzard can’t be making projections of inclusivity if they’re going to start singling out one-tricks now, can they? Because It certainly would be rather hypocritical of them to start a draconian and paranoia-inducing “Don’t one-trick or you’re banned!” policiy in any of their games when they already have a lot of amends to make to start winning back all the customers they’ve lost in just these last few years.

Who in their right mind would want to potentially waste their time getting into a game (and especially drop money in support of it) when they know they can be banned at any time for favoring a particular character or play style, “just a little too much.” Who cares what any sort of set limit would be: it it would be totally arbitrary and polarizing to everyone regardless of their individual opinions about one-tricking itself.