"OW2 is so much better"

yeah ? tell me how its better. Did they ban one tricks? are they doing anything about smurfing? are they doing anything to rein in the powerlevel of dps? are they giving us global squelch for the god awful ping system? are the getting rid of the nauseating screen shake? are the fixing the headache inducing audio? are they doing something about throwers? no? didnt think so


Because I have more fun playing it?

Oh, right, silly me, playing video games isn’t about having fun. It’s about being super angry 100% of the time. GRRRR!


Overwatch 2 need a movie


It is better… Because it has Sojourn. And let’s be real, 90% of us only care about More Heroes, fam. It only gets better from here on out.


To be fair, almost no one used the ping system…


and thats why comp should be paid access only, so only people that actually try play

I would pay just to troll my teammates. I cannot be tamed.


Literally most if not all of the complaints you listed can be aptly responded to with “it’s a beta”

Like “are they fixing the audio?”…? Do you genuinely think they’re done with the audio…? One beta phase and that’s it? Push it straight to live?


lol they have been talking about how much they love that disgusting audio since the announcement at blizzcon online


Right… which clearly is the same thing as them saying they aren’t going to tweak or make changes to the audio until release. Never mind that the audio has already undergone many very noticeable changes (Apparently even during the beta that we just played)


Perhaps? It is not as though they ever fixed it for Overwatch 1, after all.


its literally the same sounds go watch the reveal vid

That really doesn’t have any bearing on whether or not they’ll make changes to the audio between now and release.

Heck frankly I think it’s pretty likely they didn’t fix the OW1 audio issues because they were working on the OW2 audio.

Gladly friend :slight_smile:


Ping was easily among the best features of the beta. I miss it so much already.


I would really like an Arcane style TV show for Overwatch. But at a minimum they really need to start cranking out shorts again. Those helped me fall in love with the world of Overwatch and frankly are a much better lore delivery vehicle than comics or novels.


If they do that I’ll drop this game and never touch it again.

I got into this game for the lore. If they give me lore that I can consume and I don’t have to play the game to have, like what TF2 used to do, I will never play again.
I never used to understand how people were in the TF2 fandom without playing the game, because it felt like they weren’t a ‘real’ fan. If you really loved the game, why not play it too? Especially since it was free?

My four years with Overwatch have taught me differently. Those fans were the smart ones. Suffering through this miserable slagheap isn’t worth it for the characters and story I love.

They need to release something for PvE this year, or they’re not going to have a damn franchise considering how OW2’s PvP reception is lukewarm at best.

I mean that’s how they’ve operated for six years now, despite numerous complaints, why should this be any different?

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I agree but O2 isn’t fun for me-

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We know they aren’t going to change a whole lot for the better

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I honestly don’t understand this take. To me, it’s the exact opposite. This would help keep me interested in the game. I was a much more active player when they were giving regular lore drops with their shorts. It’s just another form of content drought which has almost caused me to lose interest altogether.