OW2 is not that bad for supports

Nope they just got so used to never having caution its a new feeling for them. Mercy should feel right at home tho.

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From a Mercy players perspective I agree. Once the fights start it’s general mayhem, which I really enjoy. Instead of building up to a fight like in OW1, OW2 just throws you in. I dig that side of it.

The only fly in the ointment I’ve seen is that, if 1, or at most 2 people on your team can’t handle it, your team is pretty much done. And if it’s 3 people who try to stop bullets with their face, ignore cover, or they all try to solo the other team, you just get chewed up.

There is more of a fine balance between getting your solo game play going, while still working off your team as you do it, than in OW1. If that makes any sense. Your team will have a rough time if 2 people just run off on their own for the whole match.

Overall though, beyond the voicelines chattering away, I dig it. It’s like Mayhem but without the crazy ult spam.

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Did you even notice that Mercy’s ult is bugged and only healing one person with beam instead of the team? No, of course not. Your input is invalid.


I definitely know how to stay alive as Mercy. Hard to stay alive when you have no one to fly to because everyone just walks away when you get flanked lol. I was also playing day 1 when you’d get picked in the sky with ease.

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tbh healbot meta alienates people too, just the opposite crowd.

It is, support is fun rn. Just not if you afk healbot.

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I’ve played a bit more support and I def think there’s an adjustment period. Games are better today, and I think ppl are playing beta a touch more seriously now vs yesterday when everyone was experimenting with heroes. Could also just have better RNG with teammates.

I’m a little more reckless with my support ults now because 1) use it before you dead, I’ve got trauma from dying all the time during Day1 Beta. 2) The current ‘meta’ is pretty much a constant stream of fighting, so as long as there’s combat there doesn’t really seem to be a bad time to pop ult.

Of course, I might change my entire opinion in another few games. It’s too early to have any concrete opinions rn.

edit: Grammar, punctuation.

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The problem with your logic here though is that people who don’t like the, “healbot” playstyle can play whatever they want. People who like to heal only have the supports. Take that away and you take away the draw for people who don’t really enjoy typical fps titles. A ton of people disagree with you about it being fun. It’s important that they can share what would make the experience better for them.

“Afk healbot” lol


except they cant because afk healbot meta dictates the pacing of the push, it doesn’t matter if you another role when both teams are healbotting and slowing the game pace down to a snail

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You’re right, it’s better that supports can’t slow down the game at all. :upside_down_face: Team deathmatch for all.


Yes, correct thats exactly right. Your goal as support archetype in an fps isn’t to slow down the game. Especially in a non R6, CS:GO style shooter

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I don’t have that problem. Part of Mercy gameplay is making sure you have fly targets. You need to think two steps ahead every time you fly. Is there a next point you can hop to if need be? Otherwise, don’t go there unless its absolutely vital you need to keep that teammate alive. Sometimes mistakes happen and you end up stranded, but that definitely shouldn’t be the norm.

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I usually don’t either. I think maybe my struggle was that my teams weren’t working well with Doomfist tanks and so everyone was splitting up and trying to flank. The tank being Doomfist was really the only common denominator.

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I do notice people splitting up more often. I think that seems to be mostly a symptom of people not understanding the new maps as much. The newer maps are much more open, and I think, psychologically, people are more inclined to split up then do the objective. That’s something that will have to come with time, but it was an issue prevalent in solo queue for the last game too.


I’ve played most games as support and mostly I agree. The new maps have some very nice accessible snipey spots for Ana to heal from. I just haven’t worked out where all the best angles are yet.

The only real problem I’ve had is with Moira where I’ve had multiple fights where I’ll be attacking or even ulting and doing literally no damage to them. The other problem I’m having is with the new soundscape. I’m not getting directional information from it so I don’t know where the Reaper is that’s somewhere close but teleported out of los and then they shoot me from right behind me or a Tracer bomb is dropped right next to me and I can’t tell because it sounds like they’re nowhere near me. Not sure what’s going on there but it’s making situational awareness more difficult and getting me killed.

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I didn’t have this issue.

“Your input is invalid because you didn’t experience a bug!” :joy: :clown_face:

You did have this issue. It’s a known bug that has yet to be hot fixed. Every Mercy main knows about it.



Unfortunately we have no data, so all we can offer is feelings, but here’s my thought and it’s a hot take:

No support is weak in OW2. Zen is too fragile but not weak per se, since discord is a nightmare for the solo tank. He’s fixable though.

Ana is low key OP. The value of her utility is amplified in 5v5 and she’ll be the support tanks fear.

Moira seems a little overrated to me. She’s solid, but I still think she needs a subtle rework.

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Lmao, ok I stand corrected :rofl:

Then you play the role and enjoy the fast que times.


I am, well I have supp + dps queued and try out some DPS changes on the odd games it gives me DPS. But mainly supp.

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