OW2 is an L game

I would certainly have a more rounded and logical approach to it that you. Seeing as I don’t get all hot and bothered about it.

Ikr! Your opinions would better the game i bet. And your knowledge of how OW’s mechanics work would be so game changing… jk.

Nope. If they did things based off what I would want, it would be awful for pretty much everyone else.

It would just be less awful that your ideas.

That was when ranks were inflated.

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you do. stereotypical boom boom boomer

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The other patch, they admitted that they will avoiding add someone on a losing streak, to a match team that has a lower chance of winning.


    When a player is currently on a loss streak, the matchmaker will try to avoid putting the player on a team that is statistically calculated to have a lower chance of winning.

Developer comments: Loss streaks never feel good. Before each match, we make a prediction about which team will win the game, based on the information we have about the players on both teams. This is how modifiers such as Consolation, Reversal, Uphill Battle, and Expected give or take additional Rank Progress after each Competitive Play match. Since most matches will have a team that has a slightly higher chance of winning, placing a player on the team with the higher chance who is currently on a losing streak is aimed at helping them have a fair chance of breaking that streak. While this won’t guarantee they’ll win, it does provide a helping advantage.

which basically mean they think someone on a loss streak, will suddenly not be tilted and not a total burden, that doesn’t always have like 50% of the stats of the 9 other people, cause 1-2% chance of winning lol

Yeah so is Minecraft. Wym?


You’re complaining about hitting GM a few seasons ago and now you’re hardstuck diamond. I am telling you, you were only ever GM because the ranks were inflated during seasons 3/4/5.

OW2 sucks for many reasons, but the rank inflation at the start of the game has given so many people this false ego making them think they’re being held back and better than they actually are. The truth is, you were never a GM player. So if diamond players are “brainless”, then just know you’re also one of them.

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I dont entirely disagree with this but like i am slightly better than them statistically. U can call me a liar but the matchmaking absolutely does keep me around the same rank, which i can assure you is the actual issue.

The match maker doesn’t do that. That’s a natural occurrence of SBMM when you’ve found your place.

It’s time to grind, or accept your fate and enjoy the ride.

The match maker does that, 100%, I would like to remind you that you are the only few person denying that. the matchmaker act like as a slot machine in casinos.
Give a bit at the start, and the more you play, the more it will make you lose (lets say from 60 % to 40% winrate).
And this is the sad part about it, its just a game …

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Lol there’s literally zero evidence of it. Because it isn’t a thing.

there is 150% evidence of it do you have a kink about denying it all the time or what

You had 2 hours and didn’t provide any evidence. But your maths there 1.5 times more evidence than we’d need.

I am bothered by the same stuff, but it is true that the game is being played by their target audience. Can’t change anything about that nor will Blizzard make any changes as long as it makes money. Went from plat 2 to silver 2 this way…

Don’t get stuck on the scoreboard. Having the best K/D means nothing if the TEAM does not make the right plays. What it does tell you is that you are technically in the right position and the rest is not as you only need to touch an enemy to get a kill.

Try to look at it this way: if you’re the only one with high stats and need your team to step up, help your team to do so. If 4/5 players can’t make a change, the single person is theming out of position. Hope this helps.

My advice is play to have fun and play with friends. 2 Friends of the same skill level really enlarges your chances to win but in the end it will always be a matchmaking gamble as 1 teammate can completely change the outcome.

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So we either agree with you or we cant even understand what you re talking about ?
Really , these are the only options you re seeing ? :rofl:

Most of what you said i personally agree with but your character is hot garbo my dude :v:

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meanwhile 34 olds are crying coz they already think they are too old and to be associated with boomers now… yikes. LOL

Lol, Getting old sucks

yea… biggest problem- weak alcohol tolerance. hahahahaha

I feel like my fuse for incompetence is at all time low.

It’s almost like people don’t understand investment dynamics in corporate settings.

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