OW2 is about to be fun

do you have ANY idea how to play widow?
Widow is already very difficult to play, I can’t do off angles and flanks with Widow because my aim isn’t constant enough for that.
Currently the game is quite fast with a lot of dive and this will only be reinforced in OW2.
Custa (OWL host and former OWL player) statement to Widow:

  • all new maps are not good for widow. Less room for her to find effectiveness.
  • She will be played in the classic niches (like havana and Junkertown) but she hasn’t gotten any better (despite +25HP)
  • Widow just get run at by dive heros and flankers and can´t get the space to shoot effectively
  • unless you are Ans or an incredible Widow you will strugle to really find that effectiveness

SuperTF just said “she’s pretty weak”

Why play Widow, when you can play Sojourn, which can do the same and more?

Try flanking with Widow or just being aggressive. Oftentimes, if you miss your first shot, you’re dead in the blink of an eye, as the enemy immediately focuses on you.

widow is a high skill cap character who will probably have some changes but to be fair I play Genji I know about high skill cap characters just fine and if your good enough you will do fine you might have to improve as a widow player or move to another character

lol OW2 is going to be more of the same…I’ll get it on sale when its $10 6 months after launch.

this community has grown so negative

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But now if someone plays doom there will be no shield which sucks

Can you blame them? Broken game and then the team is trying to sell another broken game…

The OW team should all be fired, they need to clean house and start from scratch.

everyone has said they pretty much have enjoyed it

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You would like to think fanboy. Not the reality though.

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opinions don’t count if you’re getting paid to have them


there is the negative mindset again

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Grateful for the lack of shields, it really did lower the level of gameplay.


In either point, the game was rated Game of the year like twice. Which is decent evidence that people did/do in fact enjoy the game.

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No offense, OP, because when I played comp I wasn’t much better, but at your rank you’re not seeing double shield Orisa/Sigma with any kind of regularity. No one is, not even t500.

Stop parroting old, dead arguments.

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on console you are and it is pretty common also which tells me you know nothing its in almost every game btw this is my console account I am high plat on my pc I know what I am talking about

Right, let’s unpack that.

Overbuff scraping console data shows that over the last six months, Sigma hasn’t been higher than the fourth most picked tank and Orisa has been the fifth most picked tank at one point in the last six months, and she’s been sixth the rest of that time.

In all ranks except GM, on all consoles, Rein gets picked four times as often. It’s consistent, it’s a durable number, it sits at around 8% of all tanks for Orisa and 30% for Rein.

And, of course on your “High Plat PC account”, it’s even worse, as Orisa is DEAD LAST in pick rate on both Plat and Diamond with about a 3% pickrate.

Confirmation bias and selective memory must be great drugs.

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this dude I am telling you what I see in my games I don’t give a damn about your pick rate in my games I see them both often on both so go head tell me about your bs data cause I am talking about what is in MY games

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That is called nostalgia. But I’d rather move forward with something new instead of keep playing unplayable state of OW1. OW2 has already addressed many issues, I hope they will keep the pace with balancing patches and bit of a content.


Not really. Tanks can survive for a long time in OW2 fights. So the emphasis will be on the DPS and Supports to utilise the space they create effectively.

All of the blame will be on DPS not pulling their weight and supports not getting picks now. Unlike current OW where they can all hide behind shields and pretend they don’t need to do anything.

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Maybe. But I feel like instead of merging the games they should keep them separate at least so if the new one turns out to be a flop at least we have a fallback.

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They have said that would be too expensive and take up too much resources so it isn’t possible.

And makes very little sense.

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