OW2 has killed Doomfist

I don’t care any more to be honest, if I see Doomfist in QP I just leave. He’ll be changed soon anyway and I’m very much looking forward to it

He was designed by Jeff Goodman and Jeff Goodman is doing the rework as well.

So our only hope is to convince him #NoToRework


The fact that you think Doom mains only used Rocket Punch and that good Doom Mains didn’t spend DOZENS of hours perfecting his skills shows how little you understand about the people who play him and that you’re literally only talking through your negative feelings about the Hero himself. Doom mains and lazy literally don’t go in the same sentence without the words “are not” between them lol


Yeah look how they ruined Mei as well. It’s the pros fault whining about CC, now that CC has been removed they will just start complaining about something else, probably 1 shots or pharah’s flight.


Me over here with 900 hours and one game away from 4.4K sr


Nah, all you’ve ever done is Right Click and insta-kill Nano-boosted Rein who just received Beat Drop from Lucio. And also deleted the save files for every game on their computer at the same time. 'Tis the power of Doomfist in his OP-ness.


doom in ow1 literally has more mechanical tech than any other hero put together, including mercy. It’s just that unfortunately there are ways to put that tech together that are unhealthy and unbalanceable because of illegal playstyles. Its unfortunate for the doom players who fell in love with the hero, got extremely good with massive time and energy investment, only to have that taken away from them forever. Maybe the devs will release a legacy/OG version of overwatch with mass rez and shield gen that could preserve live doom…

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We need a game like overwatch where aim is 50% less important. I always said make wow Arena a game in itself. (also 1 with a bit of aim and one without would be fun)
But arguing with salty players that just dont like doom is not relly possible if they cared about morals they would have not formed a gang to destroy anything that is not aim in the first place.
Maybe the “heros that dont relly need aim” was just a brain and switch scam. Anyway enjoy your blocking booping winston doom.

Yes they could do a better doom rework but that would take them another 3 years…

That is what happen when everyone complain on a character each day.


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That is what happen when there is complain threads everyday on a character.

Cope. Accept that everythings have a consequence.

Where are all these “complain threads every day”? Sure, lots of people have complained baout him, but it’s been a VERY LONG TIME since you could say it was “every day”. Heck, I actually see very FEW Doomfist complaint threads nowadays compared to several other series of threads.

But hey, you don’t seem to like the Hero and are telling people who play him to “cope,” which is funny, because if it’s true, you were probably one of the people frothing at the mouth out of anger and not “coping” and then whining and crying until you got your way. Absolutely hilarious :joy:


I liked him before, and I like him now. I just think he needs some tweaks and he will be viable.

Yes they were Doomfist complains threads each day in the times of OW1.

Not really, Blizzard killed OW2…

Overwatch 1 is the way to go and more enjoyable and 6v6 is awesome…


true 2 tank synergy is fun and dps doom is fun. Mcree Ashe Soldier like heros 24/7 not so sure. They should just make a 3v3 Wow Arena game where you have 5-8 abilitys like healing rogue stunns and lots of cc and a extremly simple rotation. people would love it


It’s about time honestly

K. learn the new game like everyother tank

They are saying Moira rework is reverted! There is hope for us too!!

Reduce it then… The cc is not relly the most fun part the abilitys and the skillfull moving the map. The Tank doom just has a kinda winston leap… sorry but uhg. And Anna still has sleep, Hog has hook, and does mai still have her freeze? And lucio boop? I know mcree lost his super shot guarantee death with minimal skill stun.

But just make Dps Doom stun way shorter or remove it. Dps Doom is super fun. I think people just hated the punch and die and be stunned. Or that they have no way to move just reduce those to be more in line with overwatch 2.

And did they not say he will be tank BECAUSE that way he can keep his CC?? Otherwise id like to return that change to Tank please :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: Thanks a lot no thanks thats a deal without the positives and only negatives. Uhm Why not add Tank doom as a new Hero? Like Winstons brother or something. They both leap and bubble/block…

I relly love the OV2 Maps and the new Heros will be liked by people wanting Novelty and OV not being old and slowly outdated in graphics. But i also relly like Ov1 and especially doomfist parkour and his super flashy and cool playstyle where its less about reflexes but about planing using ur brain and going in perfectly with ur team. And loving your team to the max.

The other stuff is just walking and reflex aiming a lot and im not so much into CS:GO i like the novelty and difference that is not 100% all about precise clicking of Overwatch.

I also have Ideas how to nerf doomfist or buff him and buff or nerf in low Elo or high Elo whaterver you want/need.


Personally I can’t believe they went through with it. Part of me believes they know how bad they made him, and are hoping the f2p model invites enough new players to fill the Tank doomfist playerbase. The people actually playing him DPS in overwatch 1 is fairly low already and a lot of players have a heavy bias against Doomfist despite him being incredibly easy to counter, which is something they took into consideration when they knew they were gutting his kit/playstyle.

This is a calculated move by Blizzard to try and make up for their awful hero release schedule and overbloating the DPS category. They know he’s less fun to play, they know the original players would be upset, they also know the outcry won’t be loud enough and they won’t have to do anything. So they’ll keep him as a more boring tank,

and parrots on the Overwatch forums won’t care because they got punched one time when they were out of position and for some reason got angrier at that than the Widow that’s been oneshotting them from 400miles away in an infinitely safer position.

It’s okay to be ignorantly upset at Doomfist because he killed me in a game earlier and someone else on the forums also doesn’t like him! What do you mean? No, of course i’ve never played him and i’m not going to. BTW it’s a super good thing he’s in the tank category now.