OW2 Alpha seems bad

Investor call says OW2 will be crunched for a 2022 q2 release, only in emergency circumstances would this get delayed further.

So, they have to expedite the process, 6-8 months to release this in time.


im afraid that they still say that supports and tanks need nerfs while dps gets huge buffs, i dont even trust them, they make worst things for OW2 also it will end like Warcraft 3 Reforged


It’s a pretty easy fix

  1. Tone down Sombra
  2. Nerf Storm Arrows, Fan The Hammer, and Echo Beam
  3. Give Tanks a Headshot resistance passive
  4. Nerf the minimum duration on Sleep Dart so it doesn’t last 2/3rds of an Earthshatter if you immediately wake the target
  5. Lower the cooldown on Ana grenade, lower the antiheal/heal/buff/damage
  6. Whatever nerf they are going to do for Flashbang
  7. Remove that -25% healing in combat, adjust healing values to where they want it to be in combat, then give +50% healing after 10sec out of combat

Stop crying, the game is not out


While the game is not out yet, I will allow a moderate amount of crying.


We’re allowed to, indeed.
Our crying helps to make a better game.

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Same energy as “cats can have a little salami”.

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Blame DPS will you? That is clearly because DPS is the only role in the game that is not unfun. Supports are at mercy of the team and tanks are notoriously frustrating.

Notice how most supports are rallying for Mercy to be able to defend herself?

DPS stole my car, house, ducks, and chickens. It’s always the DPS players fault :joy:


Giving feedback during alpha isn’t crying, that’s what alpha/beta is for, so they can adjust for release, not after release…


I think a better analogy would be that the DPS complained to the police so much that the police decided to steal the supports car, house, ducks and chickens and then gave them to the DPS. This is bad, because supports need chicken.


They have chickens until Torbs family cat gets hungry and decides to fancy fest them chickens unless they get immortality

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This isn’t feedback. It is just rambling and speculating about your personal feelings, not something useful


So does OW1 apparently because the balance hasn’t improved for 5 years. :woman_shrugging:

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They are? She can still fly away which is quite powerful…

Is this a leak? Did the OP get to play the game? That’s the only way their opinion would even be worth considering so early.

  1. Rework dps heroes who need forms of CC to tank so that there’s less CC during the matches

I think what the majority of people do not understand is that herd mentality goes a long way. If 2k people watch super say he doesn’t like ow2 and another streamer says the same, it will spread like wildfire.

Also, all the dps catering will mean naught if no one wants to play support or tank. Every time blizzard has tried to hype up ow2 they make their own situation worse.

So far all they have shown is basically that dps will be awesome, able to catch people with a faster run mechanic, frag, frag and more frag. Epic reworks of characters such as sombra and bastion (not sure how good the rework for bastion is.)
Whilst on the other spectrum they TALK about super buffed tanks and zarya has 20 second bubble cool down and DVA got 1 second defence matrix whilst other tanks have been nerfed. WOOOOOOOOOOW.
Poor supports, that is all.

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FFS guys can we go five minutes without someone blaming DPS for all of their problems?

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